題 名 | 大眾傳播對兒童妄想的影響:一例報告=Effects of Mass Media on the Delusional Content of a Child: A Case Report |
作 者 | 周文君; 林瓊芬; 文榮光; | 書刊名 | 臺灣精神醫學 |
卷 期 | 14:3 2000.09[民89.09] |
頁 次 | 頁76-81 |
分類號 | 417.58723 |
關鍵詞 | 兒童精神病; 妄想; 大眾傳播; Childhood psychosis; Delusions; Mass media; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 目的:以個案報告方式,強調青少年精神病患所呈現的妄想內容,與其所暴露的 大眾傳播媒體節目內容,具有密切的相關性。病例報告:一位14歲腦性痲痺的女孩,當面臨 生活中即將發生的重大改變無法因應時,發生嚴重焦慮和失眠,漸漸出現以僵屍內容為主之 妄想和精神症狀,嚴重影響日常生活功能,臨床診斷為精神分裂症妄想型。經短期院和長期 低劑量抗精神藥物治療,病程變化從前驅期、急性期、殘餘期到慢性化,四年多的追蹤,目 前雖無明顯正性症狀,但功能漸有退化,人際關係退縮,無法就學就業。由於此個案就診當 時,學校正風行僵屍和鬼怪的傳說,傳閱相關的報章書籍,電影和電視也熱衷於演出僵屍靈 異事件,個案相當沉迷於這類的報導,因此當個案呈現精神病狀態時,其精神症狀及妄想內 容,與其當時學校流行的話題和大眾傳播節目內容,具有密切關係。結論:兒童期的精神症 狀,因兒童的心智發展和認知功能尚未成熟,容易受 到外界環境的暗示, 融合成為妄想的 內容,在症狀的表現上與成人不盡相同。就此青少年個案,強調大眾傳播對兒童妄想內容的 影響,藉此呼籲家長、學校和媒體,重視大眾傳播對兒童青少年心智發展和認知功能的影響 性及重要性。 |
英文摘要 | Objective: We report a case of adolescent psychosis to illustrate the genesis of delusional content and how topics convered in the popular media may influence delusional content. Case report: A 14-year-old girl with cerebral palsy developed "Chiang-Shih" related content of delusions and psychotic features due to stress. Her parents and younger sister all became vampires and these vampres tried to hurt her. Chronic paranoid schizophrenic disorder was diagnosed and treated with low dose antipsychotics for four years. Her clinical course went through prodromal, acute, remissive and chronic stages under four vears follow-up. She showed active positie symntoms including social withdrawal , adaptive dysfuction and refusal to attend school. The girl's "Chiang-Shih" related content of delusions stemmed from a sociocultural legend widely circulated at school and shaped by stories covered in movies and television caricature. Conclusion: The delusional content of childhood psychosis can be easily influenced by cultural context including recent emotionally charged events or topics shown in the popular media. The potential effect of mass media on the content of childhood delusions should be considered in psychiatric dignosis. (Full Test in Chinese) |