題 名 | 梅縣話是粵化客語說略=The Dialect of MEIXIAN Hakka is Cantonilize Hakka |
作 者 | 羅肇錦; | 書刊名 | 國文學誌 |
卷 期 | 4 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁119-133 |
分類號 | 802.5238 |
關鍵詞 | 梅縣話; 粵化客語; 客家話; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 自有客家話的稱呼以來,人們都認為梅縣話是客家話標準語,直到現在,各地客家人,仍以會說梅縣話,才算是會說道地客家話。但是從近年調查出土的各地客家話加以比對,梅縣客家話非常近似廣州話,反而與閩西客家話有極大的差別。然而,從族譜的記載,大家卻又認同梅州家人大都從閩西遷徒而來。這不是很矛盾的事嗎? 本文就希望以廣東省一帶客家話的差異現象,比對分析梅縣客家話是受廣州話影響以後所形成的新客家話,不如閩西客家話保有較原質的客語。文中以廣東各地客家話和瑤、畬、壯、黎分布的地域與韻尾特質,加以比較: 1. 粵東客語(畬客區):韻尾-m -n -ng -p -t -k俱全,與粵西粵南或廣州話相同,卻與同屬畬客區的閩西客語(韻尾只有-n -ng -t -k)不同。 2. 粵北客語(瑤客區):韻尾只有-n -ng兩個,其餘-m -p -t -k全都消失,與瑤語韻尾只有鼻音尾-n -ng,其餘-m -p -t -k全都消失相同。 3. 粵南區(黎客區):鼻音韻尾-m -n -ng,塞音韻尾-p -t -k俱全,語黎語韻尾-m -n -ng -p -t -k俱全相同。 4. 粵西區(壯客區):鼻音尾-m -n -ng,塞音尾-p -t -k俱全。與廣洲話相同,也與壯語韻尾如出一轍。 5. 粵中區(粵客區):鼻音尾-m -n -ng,塞音尾-p -t -k俱全,有些地方有喉塞音-? 既然梅縣話韻尾與粵語一致,可見其受廣州話影響很大,再從詞彙化、聲調粵化、聲母粵化、韻尾粵化,可以推斷梅縣話是粵化客語。 |
英文摘要 | In Cantonese there have meney different kind of hakka dialects: (1) the east part of Cantoneses (YUE TUNG hakka), there are three nasal finals -m -p -t and three stop finals -p -t -k, but in the same section that the west Min hakka have only -n -ng -t -k four finals. This final condition is different from Yuetung. (2) the north part of Cantoneses (YUE PEI hakka), there are only -n -ng two nasal finals. This condition is as same as Yiau yu (瑤語). (3) the west part of Cantoneses (YUE XI hakka), there are -m -n -ng -p -t -k six finals. This condition is as same as Zuang yu (壯語). (4) the south part of Cantoneses (YUE XI hakka), there are -m -n -ng -p -t -k six finals. This condition is as same as Li yu (黎語). (5) the middle part of Cantoneses (YUE Zhung hakka), there are -m -n -ng -p -t -k six finals. This condition is as same as Yu yu (粵語). MeiXian hakka is as same as Yuexi、Yuenan、Yuezhung (zhuang、Li、Yue)。But Different from the west of Min hakkas, because of the Min hakka is Meixian hakka's Ancient hakka. Therefore, we must to seach for meney example to proof the Meixian Hakka is Cantonilize hakka. In this paper, we try to explan Meixian hakka's nitial、final、tone---etc, all is borrow from Cantonese. |