- 癌症兒童主要照顧者所關注的居家健康照護需求
- 癌症兒童主要照顧者資訊需求量表之發展與測試
- 新診斷白血病兒童住院期間主要照顧者之生活品質
- 癌症兒童父母親對化學治療護理指導需求之調查
- 癌症兒童家庭主要照顧者對支持系統的感受
- 主要照顧者面對初次化學治療返家之癌症病童居家照護的經驗
- 住院癌症病童父母需要之先期研究
- 精神分裂症與雙極型情感疾患之居家照顧需求與家屬之負荷
- 社區精神病患主要照顧者心理衛生教育之需求
- Validity of Two Instruments Measuring Nausea and Vomiting by Children Who Received Cancer Chemotherapy
題 名 | 癌症兒童主要照顧者所關注的居家健康照護需求=Caregiver's Concern: Home Health Care Needs of Children with Cancer |
作 者 | 李雅玲; 高碧霞; 曾紀瑩; 駱麗華; | 書刊名 | 護理研究 |
卷 期 | 8:6 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁673-684 |
分類號 | 419.77 |
關鍵詞 | 居家健康照護; 兒童; 癌症; 照顧者; 需求; Home health care; Children; Cancer; Caregiver; Need; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在瞭解癌症兒童的主要照顧者對居家健康照護的需求。以結構式問卷調查法,訪談來自北區多所醫學中心及區域醫院的病童主要照顧者,共得146份有效問卷。有效率88.5%。研究結果顯示:(1)病童的平均年齡為10歲,男生佔多數;主要照顧者以母親佔最多數,其次為父母共同。(2)診斷以白血病最多,患病時間平均為4.7年。(3)主要照顧者對居家健康照護的認知與期望多數是「部份了解」(43.3%);認為「目前不需家訪」的佔多數(77.8%);另一方面,若需家訪希望由A兒童癌症顧問護理師B來訪視的最多(47.3%),其次是居家照護護士(30.1%)。訪視時間以選擇「在每一次做完化療後」者為最多(72.3%)。除了護理人員外,受訪者最希望A社工師B來家訪(32.2%),其次是「營養師」(30.8%),「學校老師和醫師」分別為19.9%和19.2%。一半以上的受訪者會介意居家照護費用對家庭經濟造成負擔。(4)居家健康照護需求的項目方面,前十項依序為「陪孩子做心理輔導」、「意外傷害的預防及處理」、「飲食評估」、「提供照顧者情緒諮商(支持)」、「膳食指導」、「居家教學」、「靜脈注射藥物」、「黏膜破皮處理」、「發燒處理」、「疼痛處理」。比起成人慢性病患的居家照護,癌症兒童的居家健康照護需求有其獨特性。本研究結果可做為提供癌症病童居家健康照護服務內容很好的參考依據。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to understand the home health care needs of children with cancer from the point of view of the caregivers. 146 caregivers were interviewed using a structured questionnaire from northern Taiwan medical centers and district hospitals. The results showed that: (1) The average age of children with cancer was 10 years old, most were male. (2) The average duration of disease was 4.7 years, most frequent diagnosis among them was leukemia. (3) The knowledge and expectations of most caregivers were very limi-ted, and most of them wanted to know more about home health care for children. Consultant nurses were the ones most caregivers expected to do home visits. In addition to these nurses, social workers, dieticians, teachers, physicians, in this order, were also expected to visit. Over half of the interviewees admitted that the fees for home health care would be a burden. (4) Ten items of home health care needs for cancer children were “mental consultation for children” “prevention and management of accidents” “diet assessment” “emotional support for caregivers” “dietetic guidance” “home teaching” “intravenous injection” “management of breakdown of mucous membrane” “management of fever” and “pain management” |