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題 名 | 以聚苯乙烯為擔體之天門冬胺酸胺基轉移酶之固定化及其反應活性之研究=Immobilization and Characterization of Properties of Polystyrene Supported Aspartate Aminotransterase |
作 者 | 孫逸民; 張福林; 莊侑哲; | 書刊名 | 醫護科技學刊 |
卷 期 | 2:4 2000.10[民89.10] |
頁 次 | 頁322-334 |
分類號 | 346.78 |
關鍵詞 | 聚苯乙烯; 酵素固定化; 天門冬胺酸胺基轉移亘; Polystyrene; Immobilized enzyme; Aspartate aminotransfer ase; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本論文以廉價的聚苯乙烯為起始擔體,利用硝化反應,和還原反應予以改質,成為聚苯乙烯胺擔體,用以固定天門冬胺酸胺基轉移�A,進行天門冬胺酸和α酮基戊二酸轉胺反應以產生草醋酸和麩胺酸,然後針對最佳固定化條件,固定化酵素性能及固定化酵素和游離酵素動力學上差異予以探究。在探索最佳固定化條件的實驗中,針對影響固定化酵素活性的重要因素,包括酵素聯接劑及酵素的用量,進行定量探討。 在測試固定化酵素性能的實驗中,針對影響固定化酵素活性的重要因素,包括酵素聯接劑及酵素的用量,進行定量探討。在測試固定化酵素性能的實驗中,求得最佳酸鹼值為pH等於7.6∼8.2和最佳操作溫度為29℃。而對於固定化和游離酵素動力學上的差異性實驗結果中,印證固定化酵素的反應機制與游離酵素的相似。固定化酵素的活性雖比游離酵素小,但較佳的熱安定性,回收又方便,再加上α酮基戊二酸的受質抑制性比游離酵素不明顯,是故固定化天門冬胺酸胺基轉移�A比游離酵素,更有利於工業上的應用。 |
英文摘要 | Polystyrene used as the starting material was into converted to polyamine styrene by nitration and reduction. The prepared polymer was used as a support for immobilizing aspartate aminotransferase (GOT). The immobilized GOT was used to catalyze the reaction of aspartic acid with α-keto-glutaratic acid, subsequently producing oxaloaceatic acid and glutamic acid. The optimal conditions for immobilization and enzymatic reaction were identified. In addition to comparing the performances of the free and immobilized enzymes, this study also examined how the concentrations of glutaraldehydes and GOT affect the activity of the immobilized enzyme. The optimal pH-value and temperature were found to be 7.4-8.0 and29℃, respectively. The reaction mechanisms catalyzed by the free and immobilized enzymes were almost the same. Although the immobilized GOT activity was smaller than that of the free one, using the immobilized GOT is more feasible than using the free one in industrial applications owing to the higher thermal stability and easy recovery of immobilized GOT. This immobilized enzyme can be operated at a higher substrate concentration because no apparent substrate inhibition has been observed. |