題 名 | 臺北地區國小高年級學童之自我概念、親子適應及友伴關係與其吸菸行為之研究=Self Concepts, Parent-Child Adjustment, Peer Relationship and Smoking Behavior Among the Fifth and Sixth Grade Children in Taipei Area |
作 者 | 馬藹屏; 嚴道; 黃松元; 陳政友; | 書刊名 | 衛生教育學報 |
卷 期 | 13 2000.05[民89.05] |
頁 次 | 頁37-52 |
分類號 | 523.3778 |
關鍵詞 | 友伴關係; 自我概念; 吸菸行為; 親子適應; 學童; Children; Parent-child adjustment; Peer relationship; Self concepts; Smoking behavior; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之主要目的在於了解臺北地區國小高年級學童之自我概念、親子 適應及友伴關係與其吸菸行為與其間之分佈、關聯性及區別性等各種關係。 本研究以八十六學年度就讀於臺北市及臺北縣各國小五年級及六年級之全體學 生為研究母群,抽取二十二校為樣本學校,於每一樣本學校之五年級及六年級中 以隨機抽樣法各抽取一班,以該班學生為樣本進行問卷調查,以自編之調查表為 研究工具,計得有效調查表1500份。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、吸菸者佔2.9,包括幾乎每天吸菸者(0.3)、偶爾吸菸者(0.5)及過去經常或偶爾 吸菸,但現在已不再吸菸者(2.1);非吸菸者佔97.1,包括曾經嘗試過,但現在已不 再吸菸者(15.5)及從來沒有吸過菸者(81.6) 二、整體而言,受試者有正向之自我概念、尚佳之親子適應及良好之友伴關係, 惟自我批評傾向較高。 三、受試者之社會人口學變項中,計有性別、父親教育程度及父親所從事的行業 等三個變項與其是否為吸菸者之間有顯著之關聯性。 四、受試者之社會參考團體是否吸菸與其是否為吸菸者之間均有顯著之關聯性。 五、總自我概念、親子適應及友伴關係對受試者是否為吸菸者之區別力分別為 2.2、1.3及0.7。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this study was to explore the distribution, relationships, diversityand prediction of self concepts, parent-child adjustment and peer relationship on smokingbehavior among the Fifth and sixth grade children at the elementary schools in Taipei area.All the fifth and sixth graders in Taipei City and Taipei County enrolled in the 1997academic year were included in the population. The probability proportionate to sizesampling method( PPS )was used to select the sample, and a self-administrated questionnairewas developed as the instrument. Totally, there were 22 schools with 1500 students in thesample. The main findings were as follows : 1 .The smoking rate among the subjects was 2.9. 2.In a word, the subjects were in good self concepts, parent-child adjustment and peerrelationship, but with higher self criticism trend. 3.There were significant relationships between gender, fathers' educational level,fathers' occupation and whether the subjects were smokers. 4.There were significant relationships between whether the social reference groupssmoked and whether the subjects were smokers. 5.The discriminability of total self concept, parent-child adjustment and peerrelationship to whether the subjects were smokers or not was 2.2, 1.3 and 0.7,respectively. |