題 名 | 精神刺激物質依賴與精神病患兩組之照顧者住院時的表露情緒初探=A Pilot Study of Expressed Emotion between the Caregivers of Substance Dependence and Psychiatric Patients after Admission |
作 者 | 吳就君; 周立修; 蔡春美; 黃梅羹; | 書刊名 | 衛生教育學報 |
卷 期 | 13 2000.05[民89.05] |
頁 次 | 頁1-15 |
分類號 | 419.72 |
關鍵詞 | 中國人五分鐘演說樣本; 表露情緒; 照顧者; 精神刺激物質依賴者; 精神病患; Caregiver; Chinese Five Minutes Speech Sample; CFMSS; Expressed emotion; Psychiatric patients; Substance dependence; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 目的:本研究以1996年7月至1997年2月A醫院80名精神刺激物質依賴痛患 的照顧者,及1994年8月至1995年1月B醫院118名精神病患的照顧者為對象,比較 兩組照顧者表露情緒(Expressed Emotion:EE)之差異。方法:研究工具以「中國人五 分鐘演說樣本評估手冊(Chinese Five Minutes Speech Sample:CFMSS)」評估照顧者 的EE。結果:I.物質依賴組照顧者的HEE多於精神病患照顧者,且與情緒過度介 入、拒絕病患、父親角色有顯著關係。2.將社會人口因素及臨床因素與EE之間的 關係檢定結果發現:兩組的照顧者一致出現教育程度偏低者傾向HEE;物質依賴組 的臨床因素如病患用藥種類、首次用藥年齡、及用藥年數與EE有關,精神病患 組的臨床因素關係不顯著,反而人口社會因素如照顧者的角色、性別、有無就業 等因素與EE有關,此項發現顯示不同的疾病,家庭照顧者所出現的EE動力不同。 3.CFMSS在不同樣本的應用都有其相當的信度和適用性。結論:本研究建議加強照 顧者的社會心理教育。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to compare the caregivers' ExpressedEmotion ( EE ) between substance dependence and psychiatric patients. Methods ; It includedthe caregivers of 80-substance dependence and 118 of psychiatric patients. EE subgroupscores were obtained using the Chinese Five Minutes Speech Sample ( CFMSS ) afteradmission. Results : 1.Comparatively, there were more high-EE was classified in the sampleof substance dependence (66) than psychiatric patients (41) . The HEE related factorsin substance dependence group were emotional over-involvement, patient rejection attitude,and the social role of father. 2. Lower education was found to be significantly related to HEEto both groups. Regarding to the relation between clinical factors and EE, it was significantin substance dependence group, such as classification of drug using, age of onset, andduration of drug using, but not in psychiatric group. Instead, the most significant factorsrelated to HEE in psychiatric groups were caregivers' gender, social role and work situation.3. It was strongly recommended that the CFMSS significantly consistence in reliabilitythrough out of four studies with different samples. Conclusion : The results of this studysuggested to enhance caregivers' psychosocial education. ( Full Text in Chinese ) |