題 名 | 大型鋼結構壓力容器之非破壞檢測與結構安全性評估=Investigation of Nondestructive Inspection and Structural Safety Assessment in Steel Structure |
作 者 | 張奇偉; | 書刊名 | 建築與規劃學報 |
卷 期 | 1:2 2000.07[民89.07] |
頁 次 | 頁1-11 |
分類號 | 440.2 |
關鍵詞 | 非破壞檢測; 結構應力分析; 破壞力學; 結構安全評估; Nondestructive inspection; Stress analysis; Structural safety assessment; Fracture mechanics; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 大型鋼結構壓力容器已被廣泛的應用於儲存液體或高壓氣體等危險性較高的物質,其結構體在長期負載作用下與所處理境的影響將促使材料及其結構件產生疲勞老化、鏽蝕、減薄及焊接品質劣化等問題,因而導致對整個結構本體安全產生相當大的影響,為確保壓力容器結構體的堪用性與安全性,並延長其使用年限,且在合理的操作條件下繼續使用該壓力容器,除了一般例行性的檢測外,亦須針對結構本體進行完整性評估,進而提供更完整的檢測程序書與評估結果,作為日後修復補強設計之依據。目前,國內、外許多研究與學術單位及相關產業皆積極的研究探討結構完整性與結構壽限評估技術,同時配合非破壞檢測技術、應力量測與電腦有限元素法應力分析於相關之結構物上,來檢測構件裂縫、瑕疵並增加結構安全性評估的準確性。而各種結構完整性評估的理論邏輯與評估流程皆有類似之處,但針對覆土式地下儲槽本體結構的評估標準與方法,須針對其特有環境條件與結構特性作一最合理之結構完整性評估。因此本文將針對覆土式地下油槽壓力容器結構的完整性評估方法與理論,探討與建立其評估流程與邏輯,並以實際案例作一說明。 |
英文摘要 | Within the several years the environmental impact on the operation of large steel pressure vessels have taken on critical implications for industries. Due to the corrosion, thinning, settlement, bulge, and fatigue loading, the safety of steel structures become very significant problems. The objective of this study is to develop a method for performance structural safety assessment of steel pressure vessels. The majority of method combines the technique of nondestructive inspection which supplemented by ultrasonic methods, acoustic leak detection, and magnetic flux scanning with the computer finite element stress analysis. It also use fracture mechanics to evaluate for service procedures for steel pressure vessels. It essentially provides that engineers and designers have a method of assessing the structural safety during manufacture or after a structure has entered long term service. |