- 職前生物教師科學史取向教學能力成長之個案研究
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題 名 | 職前生物教師科學史取向教學能力成長之個案研究=A Case Study on Development of Preservice Biology Teachers' Teaching Ability by Using History of Science Approach |
作 者 | 劉靜嫻; 黃世傑; 王國華; | 書刊名 | 科學教育 |
卷 期 | 10 2000.08[民89.08] |
頁 次 | 頁314-326 |
分類號 | 522.2 |
關鍵詞 | 職前生物教師; 教學能力; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討四位職前生物教師對科學史取向教學的教學專業知能成長過程,以及影響個案對科學史取向教學成長的因素。本研究採取質性研究方法,資料的蒐集來源可分成教室觀察、晤談、作業等。資料蒐集時間由個案大三下學期開始到大四上學期為期一年。資料均由研究者蒐集、轉錄後先進行初步分析,經綜合分析後,再經過編碼資料的修正或重建的確認,將分析結果與個案及授課教師進行三角校正,並綜合歸納,以期達到呈現個案職前生物教師成長最真實的原貌。 研究結果發現,藉由學習科學史教學,可引導職前生物教師對於科學史的觀點由科學家及其貢獻、生平軼事的記憶轉變成思考到科學家當時所處的背景情境,但對於科學家創意思維方面,較難領悟及將其融入教學。 研究初期,職前生物教師對於科學本質的的認知偏向於邏輯實證主義,藉由科學史教學可以協助職前生物教師對於科學本質有更深地一層體會。 藉由課程中設計科學史教學及觀摩同儕演示,可改變職前教師對於科學史教學的理念及態度。個案在經教學效益、教學進度的考量後,傾向於運用營造科學史情境,將概念融入的方式,進行科學史教學。在經過微教學後,職前教師學習到靈活變化其教學策略來進行科學史教學。 在微教學情境中,影響個案職前生物教師進行科學史教學的因素為微教學時間上的限制、科學史料的擷取、課程中指導教師鷹架的引導與個案對於科學史的知識等等。 本研究未,對於師資培育、課程設計、未來研究方向均有所建議。 |
英文摘要 | The study was attempt to investigate the development of four preservice biology teachers' teaching abilities by using historical approach in a microteaching context. The qualitative research method was used to collect and to analyze the research data in this study. The original data were collected from classroom observation, interviews with the preservice teachers, and the related documents etc. The data were transcripted, coded, analyzed to form assertions. Assertions were tested and verified by using triangular method with the subjects and researchers. The result indicates that the preservice biology teachers have changed in their views of history of science from memorization of names, contributions, and anecdotes of scientists to awareness or understanding of the social and cultural construction of scientific thoughts. However, the subjects usually have troubles with understanding of scientists' creative thoughts and with infusing that into the lessons as well. The preservice teachers have changes on their views of nature of science from logic positivism ( absolutism ) into constructivism (relativism) . They grow understandings on nature of science after contacting the history of science. In microteachings, the preservice teachers have changed their beliefs and attitudes toward historical approaches of science teachings via lesson planning and observing peers' performance. In considering the effectiveness and time of instruction, the subjects tend to adopt a strategy of infusing history of science into science content during the lesson. However, the preservice teachers have learned with varying their instructional strategies of history of science teaching after the microteachings. There are some factors that may influence on the development of the subjects' teaching abilities by using historical approach, such as the period of time in microteaching, the selection of materials in science history, the scaffolding and guidance of advisors, and the subject's knowledge of history of science etc.. The suggestions to science teacher education, curriculum design, and future desired study are also discussed in the study. |