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題 名 | 國中資深與初任生物教師運用生活事例於教學之個案比較=A Case Study of Comparing the uses of Everyday Experience in Biology Lessons between Secondary Experienced Teachers and Beginning Teachers |
作 者 | 蔡美娟; 黃世傑; 王國華; | 書刊名 | 科學教育 |
卷 期 | 10 2000.08[民89.08] |
頁 次 | 頁297-313 |
分類號 | 523.35 |
關鍵詞 | 國中; 生物教師; 生活事例於教學; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在瞭解資深與初任生物教師運用生活事例的看法、教學的策劃與實施,並且檢視學生的學習成效及看法。 本研究的研究對象為兩位資深與兩位初任生物教師,並且各挑選四位個案教師所任教的一班班級,共四個班級進行教室觀察,研究時間約四個月,進行教學的單元為國中生物第三章「養分和能量」及第四章「運輸作用」。本研究採用質量並進的研究方式描繪資深與初任教師運用生活事例的風貌;質的方面,包含教室觀察、晤談教師及學生的觀感、相關文件資料等,量的方面,包含學生的學習成就測驗,進行前測、後測和延宕等三次施測,此外還有學生學習態度問卷以及學生對「養分和能量」、「運輸作用」相關生活事例的熟悉度問卷等,進行統計分析;為提高研究的效度,將先前提及的多元資料依據三角交叉法交互審校,藉此呈現資深與初任生物教師運用生活事例的情況。 研究結果顯示:無論資深或是初任教師均認為運用生活事例於學生的理解及引起學生學習動機上很有幫助,而資深教師亦希望藉此培養學生的思考模式及宏觀視野,初任教師則僅著重在學生理解層面。資深與初任教師均能注意日常科學知識與學校科學知識的不同,但認為不必於上課中特意區別兩種知識,資深教師認為讓學生順勢發展即可,初任教師雖認為應該讓學生區辨,但是於做法上有困難。 在教學策劃及實施方面,資深與初任教師運用生活事例相同的方面:均是以課本概念為主要考量,再選用生活事例補充說明,且提出生活事例者通常為教師,很少由學生提出,而教師的生活事例來源通常由整合報章雜誌與時事而來;在評量方面,均是以口語發問為主,採用的方式較單一,老師會隨著學生對生活事例的熟悉情形,調整教學時的呈現順序;對於學生可能衍自生活事例的另有概念之教學方式,均採強調正確概念的方式。而資深與初任教師在運用生活事例於教學之不同的方面:個案教師的教法都有固定形式,且各有偏好,資深教師幫助學生連結生活事例與學校概念的層面較廣,且較注重整體概念,多用口語引導的教學方式,呈現生活事例的個數較多;初任教師在外在教學情境的佈置上具體且著重教學氣氛生動。 在學生學習成效上,資深教師的學生在成就測驗的表現顯著優於初任教師的學生,而態度問卷上則是初任教師的學生反應顯著優於資深教師。由與學生的晤談得知學生覺得生物課很生活化,但是學生心目中生活化的生物課除舉例外,還包括其它方式,學生希望教師以有趣的方式呈現生活事例,如此可以幫助他們的學習,此外,學生感受到教師舉生活事例,可以引起他們對生活週遭的注意與好奇,然而,大部分的學生都認為日常科學知識與學校科學知識是一樣的。 |
英文摘要 | The study was attempted to understand how secondary experienced and beginning teachers differ in their uses of everyday experience with planning and practice of teaching, and to examine the effects of using everyday experience on students' learning. Two experienced and two beginning teachers and their four different classes were invited to participate in the study about four months. The topics are covered with "nutrient and energy," and "the effects of transportation" in the textbook of biology of junior high school. Both of the qualitative and quantitative data were collected to present the picture of how the two group teachers use everyday experience with the lessons. The qualitative data collection include the observation of classrooms, interviews with teachers and students, and the referential documents; the quantitative data collection include the achievement pre-test, post-test, and delay test, and the questionnaires of students' attitudes toward biology learning. The triangulate method was used to improve the validity of the research. The result of the research reveals that all the teachers believe that using everyday experience in teaching is beneficial to students' comprehension of concepts and increasing students' motivation. However, the objective of using everyday experience in the lesson varies with the teachers. The experienced teachers hope that it may facilitate the students to think and to get broad,-view in science , while the beginning teachers wish to increase students' memory and understanding. Although all the teachers notice the differences between everyday science and formal school science, the experienced teachers regard that it is not necessary to tell students about the difference between two domains of knowledge, while the beginning teachers tend to tell but have difficulty in doing so. In practice of teaching, both the experienced and the beginning teachers take the concepts of the textbook into first consideration, the everyday experience was adopted for supplement. The sources of everyday examples are mainly from the teachers. The teachers also differ in their teaching strategies on the uses of everyday experiences to facilitate their students' learning. The experienced teachers tend to mange different learning contexts to illustrate main concepts with everyday examples although they lecture most of the time. On the other hand, the beginning teachers tend to motivate students' with everyday examples by utilizing media and real objects. On the comparison of student' learning outcomes between these two groups, the students of the experienced teachers score significantly higher than the students of the beginning teachers on the achievement post and delay tests. However, the beginning teacher' s students score significant higher than the experienced teachers' students on the attitude survey. In addition, from the interviews, the students respond that the biology lesson is connected to everyday life, but they expect they have opportunities to do everyday biology with experiment and field trip except lecture. They hope that the teacher represent biology in an interesting way to facilitate their learning. The students also believe that everyday biology can awake their interest in their everyday life. However, most of the students think that everyday science and school science is the same. Finally, suggestions to science teacher education, curriculum design, and future desired research are also discussed. |