題 名 | 國民教育階段身心障礙學生學習成果評鑑之研究=Evaluating Learning Outcomes of Disabled Students |
作 者 | 孫淑柔; 王天苗; | 書刊名 | 特殊教育研究學刊 |
卷 期 | 19 2000.09[民89.09] |
頁 次 | 頁215-234 |
分類號 | 529.68 |
關鍵詞 | 身心障礙學生; 學習成果; 評鑑; Disabled students; Learning outcomes; Evaluation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究分成二個階段進行,第一個階段目的在建立身心障礙學生學習成果評鑑項目;第二個階段則是以臺北市四所國民中小學為例,以第一階段建立之評鑑項目分析身心障礙學生學習成果,並探討與身心障礙學生學習成果有關的因素。第一階段研究採用訪談法和德懷術,結果顯示,身心障礙學生學習成果評鑑項目,包括「在校期間的學習成果」以及「畢業後的學習成果」二部分。其中,「在校期間的學習成果」可分為:「出席及活動參與情形」、「學習表現」、「責任與獨立」、「情緒和團體適應」、以及「滿意度」五項;「畢業後的學習成果」則分為:「後續教育或訓練」、「就業」、「居家生活」、以及「社會生活」四項。 第二個階段研究則是個採個案研究法,選取臺北市附設啟智班和資源班的四所中小學的教師、學生、及家長為對象進行研究,結果發現:(1)身心障礙學生出席狀況良好,而且皆無輟學情形;(2)啟智班學生參與普通班班級活動機會不足;(3)資源班學生在學習上較無明顯進步,學習動機低落,自信心不足;(4)國中啟智班畢業生均能繼續接受後續教育;(5)國中啟智班畢業生在處理自己的財物上較感困難;(6)國中啟智班畢業生較少參與社區活動。此外,本階段研究也歸納出與身心障礙學生學習成果有關的因素包括:(1)學習能力;(2)家長參與:(3)班級氣氛;(4)教師之間的團隊合作;(5)學習動機。最後,根據研究結果分別對教育行政單位、學校、以及未來研究提出可行的建議。 |
英文摘要 | This two-phase study was, mainly, to establish an Evaluation System of Learning Outcomes of Disabled Students. The system was tried out with disabled students in four schools at elementary and junior high schools levels to explore the learning outcomes of the students and factors related to these outcomes. In the first phase, Delphi and interviewing methods were adapted to collect consensus opinions on items in the Evaluation System from 31 experts in the field and 20 special education teachers. The case study method was used, in the second phase, to collect data from 63 disabled students placed in special education classes and resource rooms, their parents, and special education teachers. The findings of this study were as follows: (1)The evaluation System of Learning Outcomes of Disabled Students was composed of two parts, at-school and post-school learning outcomes. At-school learning outcomes can be evaluated with five domains of presence and activity participation, learning performance, responsibility and independence, emotion and social adjustment, and satisfaction. Post-school learning outcomes can be evaluated with four domains of education or training, employment, residential independence, and community independence. (2)As the results of learning outcomes, disabled students were found to have high rate of school attendance, low participation with regular classes activities, low achievements in schools but mostly continue their post-secondary school education after graduation. They were also reported to have difficulties in money management were also reported to have difficulties in money management and community involvement in their post-school life. (3)Students learning ability and motivations, parent involvement, classroom climate, and cooperation between teachers were reported to be the crucial factors associated with learning outcomes of disabled students. Therefore, recommendations were made in terms of administration and teaching. |