題 名 | 衛星通信法律規範之研究=A Study on the Regulatory Regime of Satellite Communications |
作 者 | 陳銘祥; | 書刊名 | 經社法制論叢 |
卷 期 | 26 2000.07[民89.07] |
頁 次 | 頁31-61 |
分類號 | 557.711 |
關鍵詞 | 衛星; 衛星通信; 同步衛星; 同步軌道; 通信; 電信; 規範; 國際電信聯合會; 國際法; 太空法; 電信法; Satellite; Satellite communication; Geostationary satellite; Geostation-ary orbit; Communications; Telecommunications; Regulation; International telecommunications union; ITU; International law; Space law; Telecommunication law; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 衛星通信乃新興之通信方式,而衛星通信之大量使用,使得今日之電信和三十年前截然不同。相對的,有關衛星通信之法律規範,其形成、發展也較其他通信方式之法律規範為晚。此外,衛星通信所涉及層面,非常廣泛,舉凡太空軌道、無線電波、地面接收臺、國際關係、國家主權等,皆有涉及。如此廣泛的對象,其所涉及之規範下策與法律,本屬極端複雜。抑有進者,衛星通信之規範,基本上有濃厚的國際性,一國國內有關衛星通信之法規,在相當程度內,是為國際條約、協定之延伸,要瞭解一國國內衛星通信法規之規定,勢必先從國際條約、協定開始,因而更增添衛星通信法規之研究困難。本文從確立衛星通信之國際規範開始,連而以規範體制之概念,研究、分析我國現階段之衛星通信法律與法規,最後則提出對我國現制之興革建議。 |
英文摘要 | Satellite communication is a relatively young way of communications; its massive use for communication purpose has brought about a quite different picture of telecommunications in contrast to what it was three decades ago. The legal and regulator regime governing satellite communication, thus, came into being much later. In addition, the facets involving satellite communication cover a wide range of areas, such as space orbit, radio spectrum, land station, international relations, and national sovereignty. Given such diverse areas involved, the legal and regulatory regime governing satellite communication must deal with a wide variety of policy issues and legal problems. To make things more complicated, a country's legal and regulatory regime governing satellite communication is basically the result of adopting international treaties and agreements. As a result, it is imperative to begin with international treaties and agreements in order to understand a certain country's legal and regulatory regime governing satellite communication. This research beings with an inquiry into international legal regime regarding satellite communication, followed by an investigation into Taiwan's domestic regulatory regime governing satellite communication. Finally, a legislative plan for establishing a proper legal and regulatory regime governing satellite communication in Taiwan will be presented. |