題 名 | 官僚制度與民主政治:以美日臺的結構性比較分析為例=Bureaucratic Systems and Democratic Politics: A Structural Comparison of the Taiwanese, Japanese, and U.S. Cases |
作 者 | 王輝煌; | 書刊名 | 人文及社會科學集刊 |
卷 期 | 12:2 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁347-386 |
分類號 | 572.915 |
關鍵詞 | 官僚體制; 人事制度; 內部勞動力市場; 位階層級; 職位分類; 組織二元原理; 職涯安全; 專業主義; 派系; 人情; 關係競爭; 行政革新; Bureaucratic systems; Civil services; Internal labor markets; Ranking hierarchies; Job classifications; The duality principle of organizations; Career security; Professionalism; Factions; Factionalism; Relational transactions; Relational competition; Administrative reform; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要比較日本、美國、與臺灣官僚體制在結構上的異同,並解釋這些異同對官僚組織與成員在民主政治中所扮演角色的影響。本文認為位階層級制乃三國官僚皆表現出高度講究人情關係的主因。不過,日本的位階層級與各部會組織重疊,雖然封閉但高度制度化且習於在政策上冒險犯難,因此,人情關係成為行政組織團隊精神的基石。美國的位階層級制則屬開放性質,重用專業人才,其專業官僚效忠組織外部的專業社群,崇尚專業道德,不但對組織辦事效率有所提升、重視創新,也促進行政組織中系統性的專業整合。臺灣官僚的位階層級則不與行政組織重疊、專業主義也也不發達,不但封閉更缺乏制度化,結果導致官僚機構內部的割裂與派系化。這些不同的官僚行為特質,對官僚制度在民主政治中所扮演的角色,有重大的影響。 |
英文摘要 | This paper is a comparative study of the bureaucratic system in Taiwn, Japan, and the U.S. Drawing on internal labor market theories, I develop a rational framework for comparing the effects of bureaucratic structures on public orgnizations, their members, and their roles in democratic politics. My argument is that thr bureaucratic systems of these countries all develop a propensity toward relational transactions due to the adoption of different types of ranking hierarchies. Due to its effective institutionalization and management of 'closed type' relational transactions, the Japanese system is able to bend bureaucratic behavior toward a group or organization-based team spirit. Characterized more by 'open type' relational transactions as well as professionalism, the public organizations of the U.S. system emphasize efficiency and integration. Marked by a closed but not well institutionalized ranking hierarchy, the bureaucratic system in Taiwan is rife with internal factions and cleavages. These different styles of bureaucratic behavior have significant implications for democratic politics in these countries. |