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題 名 | 以焦點團體方式探討影響脊髓損傷患者生活品質之因素=Factors Associated with the Quality of Life of Persons with Spinal Cord Injuries. A Focus Group Study |
作 者 | 張彧; 王顏和; 游正芬; 鍾智文; 王榮德; | 書刊名 | 復健醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 28:2 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁87-95 |
分類號 | 419.73 |
關鍵詞 | 生活品質; 脊髓損傷; 焦點團體; Quality of life; Spinal cord injury; Focus group; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以質性研究的焦點團體方式,來探討脊髓損傷患者於生活品質的定義,並那些因素會影響眾髓損傷患者的生活品質,並比較急性組及慢性組脊髓損傷患者及醫療人員對於影響脊髓損傷患者生活品質因素之異同。 本研究在1999年5-6月間,利用一個月期間共舉辦三次的焦點團體座談會。第一組成員為急性脊髓患者(7位,平均受傷期間為2.8月,範圍1-7月)。第二組成員為慢性脊髓損傷患者(10位,平均受傷期間為13.9年,範圍5-26年)。第三組由七位從事三年以上脊髓損傷患者醫療與治療之神經外科醫師、復健科醫師、物理治療師、職能治療師所組合而成。再將焦點團體討論的錄音資料轉訪成文字稿,並按照台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷範疇與層面將內容加以分類整理。結果顯示,不論是脊髓損傷患者本身或是從事脊髓損傷之醫療工作者都認為「生活品質」是一種主觀的感受,受到許多因素的影響,這些因素與世界衛生組織生活品質小組所提出的架構相似,包括:生理健康、心里、社會關係、環境四大範疇。本研究結果也顯示慢性組與醫療組在敘述影響脊髓損傷患者生活品質的因素上並沒有明顯的差異,但在與急性組比較卻有極大的差異。急性組參與者認為心理範疇及環境範疇中的居家環境、交通、物理環境、參與休閒娛樂活動機會的獲得等因素對於脊髓損傷患者生活品質的影響並不重要,而這些因素在慢性組及醫療組都認為是影響脊髓損傷患者生活品質的重要因素。如果復健要以病患為中心的話,復健的成效應該以病患之「生活品質」作為指標,而復健的目標不應該只放在症狀的治療及身體功能的增進,更應該注意病患的心理調適、社會督係的建立及環境的調整。 |
英文摘要 | The primary purpose of this qualitative study was designed to identify, from a client and medical personnel perspective. Factors that associated with the quality of life of patients with spinal cord injuries (SCI). There focus groups were recruited and conducted: newly injured patients, patients with a chronic SCI, and medical personnel who worked with these patients. Responses were audio taped, transcribed, and analyzed by pattern according to domains and facets of Taiwan version of WHOQOLBREF. The results indicated that the meaning of quality of life is subjective perception of their position in life than is influenced by physical health, psychological, social relationships, and environment domains. Factors affecting quality of life identified by chronic SCI patients and medical personnel group were quite similar. But, there was a remarkable difference between chronic and acute SCI patients groups, with the latter did not recognize facets in psychological domain, home environ-ment, transportation, physical environment, participation in recreation/leisure activities as important factors affecting quality of life. If we believe in client-centered approach, one of the goals of rehabilit-ation should be to improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities. |