題 名 | 協同行動研究與體育教學之改進=Using Collaborative Action Research to Improve the Teaching of Physical Education |
作 者 | 林素卿; 黃月嬋; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣體育學院學報 |
卷 期 | 7 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-20 |
分類號 | 523.37 |
關鍵詞 | 行動研究; 協同行動研究; 反省; 體育教學; Action research; Collaborative action research; Reflection; Physical education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 杜威(1933)認為反省(reflection)、探究(inquiry)、和教育是不能分開的 ,反省與探究會讓教師對教育有更廣、更深的瞭解,和採取更明智的行動。因此,面對體育 教學問題,教師必須透過反省、探究找出問題的原因,發展解決的策略。本研究旨在透過協 同行動研究,讓參與本研究之體育教師對其教學的實際及所遭遇的問題加以反省與改進。研 究成員包括一位國小的代課及實習教師及二位師資培育者;研究方法,主要採用行動研究的 步驟,包括(1)透過教師日誌,尋求問題的起點;(2)反省性的訪談及分析性的對話, 發現問題;(3)腦力激盪的方式,澄清研究問題;(4)搜集與分析教學日誌、教學計劃 、教科書,實地觀察教師之記錄,(5)找出造成問題的因素,及確定改進的目標;(6) 發展行動策略,並付諸實踐。 研究結果發現新任教師,較缺乏經驗,而一味遵循教科書所設計的活動,依樣畫胡蘆。缺乏 樂趣化的教學,是造成教師教學挫折感的主要來源。其改進之道是將體育課所要學習的技能 、認知、及情意等教學融入於遊戲之中,學生不但很快掌握動作的要領,而且非常快樂的學 習,彼此合作無間,秩序井然,且笑聲不斷。除了樂趣化的教學外,本研究亦發現,在教學 和活動的設計,要能引發學生學習的潛能。根據研究的結果,本研究提出以下四點改進體育 教學的建議:(一)反省是改善教學的開始,行動研究是改進教學的良好途徑;(二)適當 地修改活動並決定課程;(三)成為一個負責任的教師,要不斷追求專業的成長;(四)營 造一個溫暖的學習氣氛。 |
英文摘要 | This study on collaborative action research project conducted by two teacher educators and one elementary school teacher focused on how action research improves the understanding of physical education practices by practitioner-researcher themselves. This study attempted to achieve the following objectives: (1) to understand how the teacher engaged in action research arranged her reflection in the physical education teaching; (2) to understand how the teacher engaged in action research developed the strategies to cope with the challenges and problems of physical education teaching; and (3) to suggest how to improve physical education by using action research in the future. Data were collected from a number of different sources: journals from the teacher, observation notes by the researchers, and researcher-teacher seminars. Data analysis included three stages: organizing data, coding data, and analyzing and interpreting data. The problems presented by the teacher were the lack of both interest and variety in teaching activities. The Teacher in this study agreed that action research was a good approach to improve her teaching and promote professional development. Suggestions for improving the practice of physical education offered in this study as follows. (1) Reflection and investigation should be advocated for improving the practice of physical education. (2) The importance of physical education should be stressed in school. (3) Positive classroom climate should be established. (4) Action research is a good approach for teacher professional development. |