- 書寫「異己」--五0年代白色恐怖時期「匪諜」之象徵分析
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題 名 | 書寫「異己」--五0年代白色恐怖時期「匪諜」之象徵分析=Writing "The Others": A Symbolic Analysis of Communist Spy during the White Terror Time of the 1950s |
作 者 | 曾薰慧; | 書刊名 | 淡江人文社會學刊 |
卷 期 | 5 2000.05[民89.05] |
頁 次 | 頁125-160 |
分類號 | 571.1 |
關鍵詞 | 共匪/匪諜; 他者的暴力再現; 身體規訓; 政治獵巫; 國民黨; 國家認同; 論述分析; Bodily discipline; Communist spy; Discursive analysis; National identity; Political witch-hunt; Kuomintang; KMT; Violent representation of the others; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 1949年12月國民黨政權遷台後,開始對台居民進行一連串「去殖民」 的洗禮。這個儀式的目的除了希望形塑台民的大中國意識外,更希望透過一系列 「反共復國」論述系統的建立,以確認自身政權在文化與政治上的正當性。本文 的目的即在探究國民黨政府的認同策略是如何形成與操弄,特別是透過「匪諜」 這個象徵符號進行敵/我、正統/異端、神聖/邪惡等二元對立的內在分類。依此脈 絡,本文將針對五零年代初期報紙以及官方出版品進行文本分析,說明國府對於 「萬惡共匪」/「匪諜」的他者想像,是如何透過文字再現系統進行生產與再生 產。本文初步歸納出幾種官方論述中的「共匪」/「匪諜」敘事典型,並認為這 些官方所提供的「匪諜」外部辨識系統,將直接或間接造成社會個人之間相互凝 視、監控的效果。而此無疑有助於台灣戰後規訓社會的形成。 |
英文摘要 | Following the Kuomintang's party-state's retreat to Taiwan in December 1949, the party-state intensified its post-colonial program of eradicating all traces of the Japanese colonial period, implementing in their place a powerful and penetrating sino-centric nation-building program. This nation-building effort was not only aimed at socializing Taiwanese society into the regime's ideal master narrative on the meaning of Chinese nationhood, but also, using the rhetoric of anti-communism and national resurrection, sought to establish the KMT's political and cultural legitimacy on the island. This paper addresses the historical background and implementation of the party-state's nation-building agenda on Taiwan through analysis of the KMT's "communist spy" rhetoric, and the discursive construction of dichotic symbolic classificatory schemes, such as us/enemy, orthodox/heterodox, and good/evil. Using primarily qualitative narrative analysis of newspapers and official party-state documents from the 1950s, this work attempts to address the myriad of ways in which images and portrayals of the "evil communists" and "communist spies" were produced and reproduced in written KMT discourse. A few typical examples of communist bandit/communist spy narrative are examined, and it is suggested that, through establishing classification schemes by which to identify "communist spies", the KMT regime was able to establish an atmosphere of mutual surveillance among Taiwanese. This, it is argued, played a decisive role in the subsequent establishment of KMT social control and political/cultural hegemony of Taiwan in the post-colonial period. |