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題 名 | Convulsions during Superior Laryngeal Nerve Block--A Case Report=喉上神經阻斷術後引起抽搐之病例報告 |
作 者 | 許哲豪; 林作舟; 葉春長; 何善臺; 汪志雄; | 書刊名 | 麻醉學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 38:2 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁93-96 |
分類號 | 416.5 |
關鍵詞 | 抽搐; 神經阻斷術; 喉神經; Convulsion; Nerve block; Laryngeal nerves; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 在光纖內視鏡輔助氣管插管病人身上使用局部麻醉劑發生併發症的病例很少見。在此我們報告一病例,在做完喉上神經阻斷術後發生抽搐現象。可能的原因或許為意外地將局部麻醉劑注入椎底動脈,雖然局部麻醉劑使用量很少,但是到達腦中局部麻醉劑的濃度或許足駒引起抽搐現象。局部麻醉劑中樞神經毒性不僅與剩量有關,也與注射的速度,注射的位置有關。在做頭部神經麻醉時,應從小劑量開始注射并隨時顴察病人的反應是較恰當的。在此,我們并強調施行頸部局部神經麻醉時,應有隨手可得的急救設備來應付此一突發狀況。 |
英文摘要 | Complications following local anesthesia for fiberoscope-assisted intubation are rare. We report a case with surgical condition indicating awake endotracheal intubation for general anesthesia, suffering from convulsions after receiving left superior laryngeal nerve block to facilitate the procedure. The possible cause may be accidental injection of the local anesthetic into the vertebral artery. Although the amount of local anesthetic injected was small, its concentration in the brain might be high enough to cause convulsion. The central nervous system toxicity of local anesthetic depends not only on the dosage used, but also on the rate of injection, as well as the site at which it is injected. Starting from a small dose together with careful monitoring of patient’s response is advised when nerve block in the neck is performed. Here, we also emphasize the importance of availability of resuscitation equipment for maintaining adequate ventilation and circulation in case of emergency. |