題 名 | 論資本自由化、國家角色與經濟政策的調整:比較八0年代日本及法國政經制度的轉變=Capital Liberalization, the Role of State, and the Adjustment of Economic Policy: A Comparison of the Japanese and French Political-Economy Institution Change in 1980's |
作 者 | 蔡增家; | 書刊名 | 美歐季刊 |
卷 期 | 14:2=138 民89.夏 |
頁 次 | 頁229-261 |
分類號 | 552.31、552.31 |
關鍵詞 | 干預型國家; 總體經濟政策; 財政政策; 貨幣政策; 大藏省; 財政部金融官; Intervention state; Marcoeconomic policy; Fiscal policy; Monetary policy; MOF; Tr'esor; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文的主要研究目的是要從國內的層次來比較日本與法國資本自由的異同,換句話說,也就是要分析到底是那些國內政經及制度性因素,造成日本與法國在同樣面對資本自由化的壓力時,取不同的自由化措施與總體經濟策調適。在過去,許多干預型國家在封閉的經濟體系下,以政府力量介入金融市場、擴大府技出及限制資本流動等政策來促進經濟成長,但在資本自由化之後,這種以政府為主導的經濟策卻對經濟成長無法產生效果,因此,這些國家必定要調整其總體經濟政策,來達到經濟益成長與金融穩定的目的。日本及法國是先進工業國家中干預型國家的典範,它們以中化的官僚組織來管制金融市場、以銀行體系為企業主要資金來源,並限制國際資本的流入,同時也發展出以封閉型經濟體系為主體的財政政策與貨幣政策,這些總體經濟策使得日本與法國在七○年代經濟能夠快速成長,但八○年代後,這兩國分別在國際金融自由化的潮流及國內經濟衰退的壓力下先後進行資本自由化,但卻產生出不同的自由化,但卻產生出不同的自由化政策,日本在貨幣政策上以降低利率來刺激經濟,並對於國內金融管制大幅鬆綁,法則拋棄過去擴大貨幣供給的經濟政策,並對金融體系與大企業國有化,本文為其主要原因在於日本的信用分配掌握在以企業集團為主體的主要銀行體系中,而法國則在由國家所主導的公共委員會當中,因此,本文便是要探討日本與法國自由化以後總體經濟策的調整,並分析為何兩國會產生兩種截然不同的調適策及其政策轉變背後的政治意涵。 |
英文摘要 | The primary purpose of this paper is to compare of the Japanese and French capital liberalization policies from a domestic viewpoint. It seeks to analyze what domestic political-economic institution factors determined their different liberalization policies as well as marcoeconomic adaptation, given the same international capital pressure. In the past, under a closed economic system, such intervention states always used governmental power to intervene in financial markets, increase government expenditure, and limit capital mobility in order to promote economic growth. However after capital liberalization, such a state-led economic policy is ineffective to promote economic growth. Therefore, such countries must adjust their marcoeconomic policy in order to maintain economic and financial stability. Japan and France provide a paradigm of interventionist in the highly industrialized states, as they use bureaucractic power to control financial markets and use the banking system as business's primary credit allocation source. When international capital liberalization began in 1980's, different economic adaptation policy was implemented. For example, Japan deregulates financial institutions and lowers bank interest rate, while France nationalizes financial institutions and tightens monetary supply. This study aims to analyze the political implications behind the different Japanese and French marceoconomic policy adjustments in the 1980's. |