- 臺灣雞孵化場絨毛細菌及黴菌的污染情形
- 臺灣種雞孵化場絨毛細菌及黴菌的污染情形
- The Hygienic Monitoring for Chicken Hatcheries in Taiwan during 2002-2007
- Bacteremia and Fungemia in Patients with Advanced Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection in Taiwan
- Evaluation of Hatchery Hygiene by Fluff Test in Taiwan in 1996
- 豬霍亂沙氏桿菌產生之細胞毒素'P65'之定性: (1)P65對ICR小鼠毒性作用之組織病理學研究
- 為什麼要作絨毛細菌測試﹖
- 細菌性及黴菌性角膜炎之臨床及治療
- Screening of Isoquinoline Alkaloids and Their Derivatives for Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities
- 新雞病全書( 4. 5. 6)