題 名 | 事業廢棄物非法掩埋場周邊民井水質揮發性有機物之調查研究=An Investigation on Volatile Organic Compounds in Ground Water at Industrial Waste Dump Sites |
作 者 | 王正雄; 陳麗霞; 鄭資英; 傅千育; | 書刊名 | 中華公共衛生雜誌 |
卷 期 | 19:2 2000.04[民89.04] |
頁 次 | 頁119-129 |
分類號 | 412.31 |
關鍵詞 | 廢棄物污染; 地下水; 揮發性有機化合物; Industrial waste contamination; Ground water; Volatile organic compounds; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 目標:本研究在探討事業廢棄物非法掩埋場址附近民井水質可能受揮發性有機物(Volatile Organic Compounds,簡稱VOCs)污染之暴露評估。方法:本研究於53處事業廢棄物非法掩埋場址附近1公里範圍內,調查344口民井,估算井深,測定水溫,以密閉容器採取水樣,攜回實驗室內以吹氣捕捉毛細管柱氣相層析法╱串聯式光離子化偵測器及電解導電感應偵測器檢測法,檢測水樣受揮發性有機物污染之情形。結果:344口民井水樣中,測得69口受七種VOCs污染,包括:42個水樣檢出總三鹵甲烷(0.43~24.88痢/L,平均1.93痢/L)、28個水樣檢出1,1,1-三氯乙烷(0.41~4.03痢/L,平 均1.05痢/L)、15個水樣檢出1,1-二氯乙烯(0.88~12.18痢/L,平均2.71痢/L)、8個水樣檢出氯乙烯(0.47~0.66痢/L,平均0.53痢/L)、3個水樣檢出三氯乙烯(0.52~3.45痢/L,平均1.51痢/L)、3個水樣檢出四氯化碳(0.43~1.54痢/L,平均0.69痢/L)及2個水樣檢出1,2-二氯乙烷(1.18 和 1.28痢/L、平均1.23痢/L)。大部份水樣可檢出一種VOC,但部份水樣可同時檢出4種VOCs。個別水樣之VOCs總濃度多在1.0~5.0痢/L之間,VOCs污染物中除1,1-二氯乙烯在高雄縣有1件(12.18痢/L)、屏東縣有2件(7.15痢/L、7.46痢/L)超出飲用水水質標準(7痢/L)外,餘均符合規定。結論:廢棄物不當 掩埋可能會對附近民井之水質造成污染,建議受VOCs污染之井水須經煮沸後飲用。 |
英文摘要 | Objectives: This research was conducted to investigate the contamination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the ground water obtained from wells near illegal dump sites of industrial wastes. Methods: Samples were obtained from 344 wells located within one kilometer in distance from 53 dumping sites identified in 3 counties and cities. The depth of wells and the temperature of samples were measured at the sampling sites and collected using closed containers. VOCs were analyzed at the Environmental Prot ection Administration Laboratory by purge and trap pretreatment capillary column gas chromatography equipped with photoionization and electrolytic conductivity detectors in series. Results: Among 344 wells, 7 VOCs were quantitated in samples from 69 wells(20.1%). These contaminants included: total trihalomethane(0.43~24.88痢/L,averaged 1.93痢/L) in 42 samples, 1,1,1-trichloroethane(0.41~4.03痢/L, averaged 1.05痢/L) in 28 samples, 1,1-dichloroethene(0.88~12.18痢/L, averaged 2.71 痢/L) in 15 samples, vinyl c hloride(0.47~0.66痢/L, averaged 0.53痢/L) in 8 samples, trichloroethene(0.52~3.45痢/L, averaged 1.51痢/L) in 3 samples, carbon tetrachloride( 0.43~1.54痢/L, averaged 0.69痢/L) in 3 samples, and 1,2-dichloroethane(1.18 and 1.28痢/L, averaged 1.23痢/L) in 2 samples. Four VOCs have been identified for few samples. The total VOCs concentrations ranged from 1.0 to 5.0痢/L for most samples. The concentrations of 1,1-dichloroethene for one sample(12.18痢/L)obtained in Kaoshiung and for two samples(7.15痢/L,7.46 痢/L)obtained in Pingtung were above the government drinking water quality standard. Other pollutants were below the government drinking water quality standard. Conclusions: Improperly dumped waste may contaminate well water. Although contaminated chemicals in well water were not all in high concentrations, it remains a better policy for residents to drink boiled water. |