- 中藥方劑中含運動禁藥麻黃之探討
- 含運動禁藥麻黃之科學中藥--祛風濕劑、祛濕劑、補益劑、固澀劑
- 用於感冒含運動禁藥麻黃生物□之市售濃縮中藥
- 運動禁藥--麻黃鹼與咖啡因在減重代餐中的角色及安全性
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- 服用麻黃後尿液中麻黃生物鹼之排出情形
- 葛根湯濃縮細粒中麻黃鹼(Ephedrin)之定量
- High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Phenylephrine Hydrochloride, Tetracaine Hydrochloride and Chlorobutanol in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms
- Simultaneous Determination of Phenylephrine HCI and Chlorpheniramine Maleate in Compound Phenylephrine HCI Elixir
- Variations of Methylephedrine Concentration in Urine after Taking OTC Cold Medicine
題 名 | 中藥方劑中含運動禁藥麻黃之探討=The Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine Containing Doping Substance-Ephedring |
作 者 | 詹貴惠; 許美智; | 書刊名 | 大專體育學刊 |
卷 期 | 2:1 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁119-126 |
分類號 | 528.9013、993.19 |
關鍵詞 | 中藥; 運動禁藥; 麻黃鹼; 麻黃; Traditional Chinese medicine; Doping; Ephedrine; Ephedrae herb; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 麻黃鹼及偽麻黃鹼為運動員禁用藥物之一,然其為中藥麻黃的主要成分,因此運動員服用中藥若不慎將會誤用禁藥,國內所執行的運動員禁藥檢驗結果即曾有選手自己承認有服用中藥,而被驗出尿液中麻黃鹼呈陽性反應的例子。目前科學中藥已普遍為國人所接受,購買亦相當容易,許多中藥方劑中含有麻黃的成分,而達到發汗、解熱、解除支氣管痙攣、利尿升壓及抗病毒之作用,主要用於平喘和治療外感風寒。故體育界有必要對含有麻黃之中藥做做一了解,以避免運動員誤用。本研究以各中醫書籍為參考依據,將含有麻黃之內服中藥方劑加以歸類整理。結果顯示、中醫書籍中含有麻黃的中藥方劑可歸納為七大類,至少有44種。這些方劑中大部分為治療感冒的方劑,能除怕冷、發熱、頭痛、鼻塞、肢體酸楚、咳嗽與多痰等症狀,包括臨床上中醫帥常用的小青龍湯、定喘湯、防風通聖散、麻杏甘石湯、麻黃湯、華蓋散及葛根湯等。其他較多的方劑為治療肢體、肌肉、關節等處酸痛、麻木以及關節腫大、變形、屈伸不利等之祛風濕劑,如:烏藥順氣散與桂枝芍藥知母湯等。以及祛除濕邪,治療各種濕症之祛濕劑,如越婢湯、越婢加朮湯等。另外,少數補益人體氣血陰陽不足、治療各種虛症的補益劑,治療外科瘡瘍的治瘍劑及斂汗固表的固澀劑中亦含有麻黃。因此中藥麻黃並非僅用於治療感間的方劑中,運動員在服用中藥時應謹慎,避免服用這些含有麻黃的方劑。 |
英文摘要 | Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are the major compositions of ephedrae herba. They are the doping substances. If athletes take traditional Chinese medicine containing ephedrines, they may against the rule of IOC. It is important for the athletes in our country to realize what the traditional Chinese medicine preparations contain ephedrae herba. Most of the ephedrae herba preparations are for bronchodilation and anti-flu. They can attenuate the symptoms of fever, headache, stuffy nose, cough and so on. Others can treat for rheumatism, edema, sore, deficiency of vital energy. The athletes should be careful and choose the preparations without ephedrae herba when taking traditional Chinese medicine. The purpose of this study is to classify and categorize the preparations containing ephedrae herba. The result shows that there are seven categories and more than forty-four traditional Chinese medicine preparations containing ephedrae herba. The names of preparations with their therapeutic effects will be also discussed. |