題 名 | 由水平衡特性評估關渡自然公園之水量管理=Based on Characteristics of Water Balance to Manage Water Usage in Kuan-Du Natural Park |
作 者 | 邱文雅; 張文亮; | 書刊名 | 農業工程學報 |
卷 期 | 46:2 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁24-34 |
分類號 | 351.68 |
關鍵詞 | 濕地; 水文收支; 土壤鹽化; 植物群落; 土壤水份壓力勢能; 滲透壓勢能; Wetland; Water budget; Soil salinity; Plant community; Soil water pressure potential; Osmotic pressure potential; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 濕地為一獨特的生態系統模式,特別是在水、土壤及植物三個環境基本因子方面,水質優劣對水域生態具有直接之衝擊。關渡濕地主要水源包括南邊之淡水河、基隆河,北邊流經北投地區之貴子坑溪、水磨坑溪,以及東側隸屬於七星農田水利會所管轄之八仙圳灌排水路。影響關渡濕地的二大潛在環境因子為「潮汐」及「農田都會區廢污染」。水源受潮汐影響,關渡濕地為感潮性鹹水濕地與半鹹水濕地之覆合型濕地,且濕地水域有漸趨鹽化的現象。 水、土環境對濕地的綜合影響,表現在濕地植物的生長。關渡濕地之水文以潮汐入流量及河川入流量為主,在各入流量正常之情形下,年蓄積量為296.5~583.4公分,入流頻率不穩定之八仙圳佔地表河川總入流量之16~20%,水磨坑溪佔地表河川總入流量之22~27%,基隆河感潮水佔地表河川總入流量之53~62%。濕地內水澤因潮汐影響水位變動最大在20~50公分。一旦關渡濕地入流量被截斷,短期間內關渡濕地因蓄水量不足導致土壤嚴重鹽化,土壤水份壓力勢能與滲透壓勢能同時增加,將改變濕地植物生長之土壤環境條件。 |
英文摘要 | Wetlands are generally considered as one of the most unique and productive ecological systems in the world. Water, soil and plant have complex inter-relationships to reach their balance. However, water quality has a direct impact on these interactions, and polluted water will degrade ecological balance. The purpose of this study is to measure water quality effect on soil properties and plant distribution in Kuan-Du wetland. Kuan-Du wetland has four water sources, namely, Ki-Long river, Kai-Zu-Kong stream, Sei-Mo-Kong stream, and Eighth-Sen irrigation channel. Based on the investigated results, those water sources can be classified as by tiding effect and by domestic/irrigation waste water effect. As a result of the tiding effect, soils are more salty and plants are dominated by salty tolerance. Wastewater caused more anaerobic in soil and entropy in water. Although water sources have been effected by tiding and wastewater, there is little we can do, for it is not feasible to obtain clean water from other water sources in Kuan-Du wetland. Total amount of surface water flow into Kuan-Du wetland is about 296.5 to 583.4 cm in depth. Maximal fluctuation of water level is 20 to 50 cm annually. Ratio of surface water inflow is about 53% to 62% from Ki-Long river, 22%-27% from Sei-Mo-Kong stream, and 16%-20% from Eighth-Sen irrigation channel. Tiding water controlled by closing water gate in Ki-Long river will reduce saline effect, but water will not be sufficient to supply evaportranspiration in the wetland. As a result of the drought, soil water and salinity potential will be increased, and plant distribution in wetland will be changed. |