題 名 | 工作記憶對國小五年級不同理解能力學童的區辨效果研究=The Discrimination Effect of Working Memory in 5芌Grade Children with Different Comprehension Ability |
作 者 | 周裕欽; | 書刊名 | 臺東師院學報 |
卷 期 | 11(上) 民89.06 |
頁 次 | 頁157-194 |
分類號 | 521.12 |
關鍵詞 | 工作記憶; 短期記憶; 閱讀理解; 中央控制部門; 聲韻迴路部門; 視覺空間畫版; Working memory; Short term memory; Central executive; Phonological loop; Visuospatial sketchpad; Reading comprehension; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 工作記憶影響閱讀理解的現象,一直是近年來拼音文字系統所關注的焦點。然 而,這虎以拼音文字系統為研究對象的研究結果可否類化到中文讀者身上呢?國內雖有些研 究指出工作記憶容量高低是影響讀者理解表現的重要因素之一,但這些研究大多將焦點放在 整體工作記憶容量(曾世杰,民85;陳淑麗,86)或是中文句子的語法層次(許麗絹,民 86;陳貽照,民87),因此這些研究結果並無法推論各類工作記憶對不同閱讀能力群體的發 辨效果,也無法釐清閱讀低成就學童工作記憶缺陷是來自於判斷能力?暫存能力?亦或是上 述兩項能力均不足所致?本研究為澄清工作記憶各結構對中文閱讀理解的區辨效果以及閱讀 低成就學童工作記憶缺陷的主因,除了納入拼音文字系統所關注的「語文工作記憶」外,又 加入「視覺工作記憶」與「中央控制部門」,以期了解上述的兩點推論。綜合本研究結果發 現:(一)除了「視覺因素」之外,其餘「記憶更新廣度」、「語文工作記憶」、「記憶更 新抑制」等變項均可以有效區辨出不同閱讀能力的讀者。(二)低成就學童工作記憶缺陷的 成因臆測方面,本研究發現低成就學童的「短期記憶能力」與「兼容暫存與運作處理」的語 文工作記憶能力均明顯比不上一般學童的表現。建議未來研究可針對本研究結果設計更精密 的實驗方法,以釐清上述各認知成份和中文閱讀的因果關係。 |
英文摘要 | Working memory (WM) has been considered playing a crucial role in the processing of reading comprehension. However, the exact ways WN affecting Chinese reading comprehension were still controversial. This study aimed to investigate the discrimination effect between reading comprehension and working memory. Based on Baddeley's model, WM was decomposed to 3 sub-components, namely, the central executive, the phonological loop, and the visuo-spatial sketchpad, in this study. The researcher also explored the possibility whether the low reading achievers' WM deficits was accounted for by their limited processing ability of short-term storage. Sixty 5th graders participated in the study. In the first session, children took about 30 minutes to complete a Chinese reading comprehension test in group. The 2nd session took about 50-70 minutes. Children were required to complete a test battery including tests of verbal short-term memory, and central executive capacity. All tests were administered individually. The results indicated that (a) consistent with the 3 subcomponents in Baddeley's Working memory model, 3 factors could be distinguished statistically from the test scores; (b) low reading achievers suffered from the problems of processing efficiency as well as the limitation of verbal short term storage; In other words, they seemed to lack of a general problem concerning both concurrent processing efficiency and verbal information storage. The significance of the study and recommendation for further study were also discussed. |