題 名 | 「歐安組織」召開伊斯坦堡高峰會之意義=The Istanbul Summit of "Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe" |
作 者 | 龍舒甲; | 書刊名 | 美歐季刊 |
卷 期 | 14:1=137 民89.春 |
頁 次 | 頁113-135 |
分類號 | 578.1641 |
關鍵詞 | 歐安組織; 美國; 北約; 歐洲安全憲章; 歐洲傳統武力條約最後文件; 科索沃; 俄羅斯; 車臣; 中亞; 外高加索; 裏海; 石油; 油管; OSCE; USA; NATO; Charter on european security; Final act on conventional armed forces in europe treaty; Kosovo; Russia; Chechnya; Central asia; Transcaucasus; Caspian Sea; Oil; Pipeline; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 成員數目如同一副撲克牌的「歐安組織」很難得的在土耳召開了二十世紀的最後一次高峰會,其意義對土耳其來說,是相當具有歷史性的;不過,會議的本身對整個歐洲而言,卻是有極大的影響性,尤其是所有成員國同意簽字的四項文件,大體上已為歐洲安全的前途奠定了令人較為放心的基礎;儘管目前在俄羅斯內出現騷亂,然而這個國家必須一方面謹慎不亂源擴大,另一方方面坦然遵守文件中所的原則;不可否認的,由美國一手所主導的「巴庫-傑荌輸油管線協議」在土耳其與若干中亞、外高加索國家共同簽署後更令俄國坐立難嬣,不過莫斯科當局已施展渾身解數,希望完全維護其在�堮�地區可能喪失的政經利益。民族問題與能爭奪其帢正是影響歐洲穩定的兩項主因,美國、歐洲國家與俄羅斯三方要如何掌握與運用,應是眾所關外與矚目之焦點。 |
英文摘要 | The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), held its last summit of this century in Turkey. The Istanbul summit was of historical significance for both Turkey and the organization. The latter is especially evident when all members agreed to sign four major documents produced at the summit. These agreements have laid a solid foundation for providing security in Europe. Currently, domestic disturbances in Russia have forced Moscow to handle the crisis in a prudent manner lest problems expand to other areas. Nevertheless Moscow, needs to adhere to the principles set forth in the documents. The dominant role played by the U.S. in the “Baku-Jeyhan Pipeline Agreement” signed by Turkey and several other Transcaucasian and Central Asian countries has created grave concerns for the Russians. In response, Moscow has tried to ensure that its political and economic interests are not jeopardized by these maneuvers. The question of ethnicity and the fight for energy resources are two major factors that will determine the future of European security. How will the United States, European countries, and Russia handle these problems shall be the focus of international concern. |