題 名 | 煉鐵製程節能技術之應用實務=The Practice of Energy-saving Technology for Ironmaking Process in China Steel Corporation |
作 者 | 高東生; 鄭元圻; | 書刊名 | 技術與訓練 |
卷 期 | 25:1=200 2000.02[民89.02] |
頁 次 | 頁20-28 |
專 輯 | 能源與環保專集 |
分類號 | 454.81 |
關鍵詞 | 焦炭乾式冷卻之熱回收; 燒結冷卻機廢熱回收; 高爐爐頂壓回收發電設備; Coke dry quenching; Sinter sensible heat recovery system; Blast furnace top-pressure recovery turbines; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 鋼鐵工業為高耗能產業,在中鋼一貫作業生產流程中,高爐煉鐵製程能源耗用佔76%,其中煉焦佔12%,燒結佔10%,高爐佔54%。 為降低能源耗用,減少C0□排放量抑制地球溫室效應,本廠採取的對策有焦炭乾式冷卻之熱回收(CDQ)、燒結冷卻機廢熱回收(WHRS)、高爐爐頂壓回收發電設備(ET)及熱風爐廢熱回收(WHRS)、高爐爐頂壓回收發電設備(TRT)及熱風爐廢熱回收等製程廢熱回收節能措施。在高燼操作上,將朝向爐操穩定、改善佈料控制技術、降低爐渣比以及提升PCI噴煤率及降低燃料率,以增加鐵水產量而努力。 |
英文摘要 | The steel production is an energy intensive industry. In China Steel Corporation (CSC), the ironmaking process energy consumption was about 76% of whole company energy used, include cokemakina section 12%, sinter section 10%, blast furnace section 54%. In order to reduce the energy consumption and the green house oas-carbon dioxide emission. Waste heat recovery is a highly-effective item for energy saving. The large scale waste heat recovery equipments, such as coke dry quenching equipment (CDQ ), sinter sensible heat recovery system (WHRS) , and blast furnace top-pressure recovery turbines (TRT) and hot stove waste heat recovery have been installed. In blast furnace operation, we will make efforts to increase the hot metal productivity by improving burden distribution control, reducing slag volume ratio, increasing pulverized coal injection (PCI) rate and reducing fuel rate etc. |