題 名 | 國內「企業倫理」研究文獻淺評=A Review of Literature on Business Ethics in Taiwan |
作 者 | 廖湧祥; |
書刊名 | 輔仁學誌. 法管理學院之部 |
卷 期 | 30 2000[民89.] |
頁 次 | 頁43-76 |
分類號 | 198.49 |
關鍵詞 | 企業倫理; 勞資倫理; 工作倫理; 經營倫理; 社會責任; Business ethics; Employer-employee ethics; Work ethics; Administration ethics; Social responsibility; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文針對國內近二十年來,有關企業倫理方面的文獻或研究報告(計六十餘筆) 進行研讀。首先依據文獻內容分為十一類並逐篇評介;然後提出建議。其目的在:( 1 ) 了解國內學術界在企業倫理的研究上所付出的努力及所得到成果; ( 2 )掌握國內企業倫 理研究發展之現況;( 3 )為企業倫理研究者及教學者找出可用的參考資料;( 4 )為後 續研究者找出未來研究方向。 經由研讀之後, 本文發現:( 1 )在企業倫理的歷史研究方面,一般研究者都集中於對中 國古代企業倫理觀做正面的探討,鮮少有消極的評價。 ( 2 )在倫理規範的探討上,一般 都主張功利主義( utilitarianism )或情境主義( situationism )是所謂「高理想性」 的企業倫理原則;而忽略了「義務論」( deontology )法則的重要性。 ( 3 )在大部分 提及倡導資本主義的亞當.史密斯( Adam Smith )的文章中,都認為他所倡導的自由市場 經濟理論與企業倫理精神背道而馳;而忽略他比任何現代人更能深入評斷資本主義的道德 問題的事實。 ( 4 )在企業倫理的教學方面,主張「企業倫理教育的必要性」已是一般研 究者和企業界的共識。而如何設計一套讓學生易於接受的企業倫理教學課程卻被忽略了。這 是任何想從事企業倫理教學的老師應努力的研究方向。 ( 5 )在所有有關勞資倫理的論述 中,對「工作倫理」的討論不是很少,就是不夠深入。「工作倫理」中最重要的勞工「人格 尊嚴」問題也少有著墨。 |
英文摘要 | This article is a review of the literature and/or research reports, more than sixty in total, on business ethics, published in Taiwan during the last twenty years. The whole collection is classified into 11 categories. Then, each work is reviewed followed by a suggestion from the author. The purpose is quadruple: a)To understand the effort and achievement that academics in business ethics studies in Taiwan have made. b) To grasp the current state of business ethics studies. c) To find reference material available for the researchers and teachers in the field of business ethics. d) To seek a future direction for business ehics studies in Taiwan. After reading the collected works, our discoveries are: a) Regarding the historical studies of business ethics, emphasis has been put on the positive side of the ancient Chinese view on business ethics. Very little, if any, interest is shown in negative aspects. b) As to the discussion about ethical norms, most writers contend that utilitarianism or situationism is the co-called "highly ideal" principle for business ethics. The importance of the deontological approach is neglectd. c) In the articles mentioning Adam Smith, an advocate of capitalism, the consensus is that Smith's free-market economic theory is apposed to the spirit of business ethics, while his rigid criticism of the ethical problems of capitalism is not mentioned. d) While the necessity of business ethics education is accepted by all, questions as how to design a good curriculum acceptable to most students are not discussed. The author suggests that this be an issue for the studies of business ethics education. e) Articles on "work ethics' are not lacking, but they do show a lack of depth. Human dignity, the most imortant component in work ethics, is almost never mentioned. |