題 名 | 等待服務品質決定因素之研究--以火車站服務為例=An Empirical Study of the Determinants of the Waiting Service Quality--The Case of the Service of Railway Stations |
作 者 | 詹定宇; 黃鎮東; | 書刊名 | 中山管理評論 |
卷 期 | 8:1 民89.春 |
頁 次 | 頁123-151 |
分類號 | 496.7 |
關鍵詞 | 火車站; 等待服務品質; Railway station; Waiting service quality; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 等待問題對服務品質的重要性已日漸受到重視,然而,有關的論述卻是相對的稀少,為了深入了解等待問題,本研究以火車站排隊等待服務為例,探討火車站的服務時段、等待方式、城鄉差異及顧客族群是否影響顧客對等待服務品質的評估,並嘗試發展等待服務品質問卷,找出火車站等待服務品質的關鍵決定因素。研究結果發現火車站等待服務品質有五項決定因素,且問卷具有良好的信度及效度與解釋能力,並發現火車站的城鄉差異及旅客是單獨或群體搭車會影響旅客對等待服務品質的評估,此外也發現火車站的旅客對等待服務品質的重視程度甚高及合理的購票等待時問大約是9分鐘。 |
英文摘要 | The significance of customer "waiting" to the over all service quality is recognized gradually; yet, study on the subject is hardly found. In order to learn more insight of the waiting issue, waiting service in the railway station is used as an example in this paper, examining factors like timing of service, different types of waiting, waiting perception in different location (city vs. country) and passenger segments. From there, factors are checked whether or not influence passengers' evaluation of the quality of waiting service in the railway station. A questionnaire is designed specifically to find out what determines the quality of waiting service in the railway station. In the end, five factors, believed to have high reliability and validity and explanation ability, are concluded as essential determinants to railway waiting service. In the process, we also discover that location of railway station (city or country) and whether a passenger traveling alone or accompanied also affects the quality evaluation of the waiting service. A point worthwhile for the station management is that a passenger generally perceives the quality of waiting service important and the reasonable waiting time to purchase the tickets is approximately 9 minutes. |