題 名 | 滿意度調查在國際品質管理制度輔導之實例個案研究=A Case Study of Consultant Services for the ISO 9000 Family by Using Survey of Satisfaction |
作 者 | 陳川寶; 蔡武德; | 書刊名 | 金屬工業 |
卷 期 | 34:1 民89.01-02 |
頁 次 | 頁134-145 |
分類號 | 494.56 |
關鍵詞 | 滿意度調查; 國際品質管理制度輔導; Service quality; Customer satisfaction; ISO 9000 family; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為了能在當前競爭激烈的國際市場中佔一席之地,臺灣產業必須不斷的改善生產技術,提升產品品質和導入國際品質保證制度,然而在多數廠商推行國際品質制度中,輔導機構的服務品質與企業界對其滿意認知與期望情形,成為本研究的主題。 本文以金屬工業研究發展中心輔導機構為個案研究對象,其輔導之廠商大都以金屬基本工業或金屬製造業等機械相關工業為主。本研究過程,首先,深入瞭解國際品質制度輔導服務的特性,其次,經由大量的研究論文探討,建構了國際品質制度輔導之服務品質量表(SERVQUAL),再者,以此表為研究工具,最後,實施問卷調查及統計檢定與分析,能符合輔導機構之服務品質滿意度調查及品質重要度調查特性,研究結果發現: 1. 金屬機械廠商不論大、中、小型或內外銷,皆全面性重視此國際品質制度之推動; 2. 廠商認為最合適之總輔導時間為6-12個月,視配合推動情形而定; 3. ISO 9000系列輔導推動已過高峰期,有逐漸下降之趨勢; 4. 大部分廠商皆希望輔導顧問每次能在廠4-6小時,以配合其推動; 5. 輔導機構在其不同獨立地區之輔導工作,由於設備資源不均,影響其支援性滿意度之認知差異; 6. 輔導服務品質之缺口間仍存有整體面評估上之認知差異。 |
英文摘要 | Most of Taiwanese industry are confront with a numerous of dilemmas to survival or sunk. In order to survival, they used several strategies such as continuously improve its manufacturing technology, improve product quality as well as leverage the international quality assurance system. While the leveraging of that system, the satisfaction of service quality is the main thrust of this research. Clients toward the consulting institutes provided. This research work focused on the consulting department of the Metal Industries Research & Development Center (MIRDC). Its clients are primarily the manufacturers of metal products or the related fields of industry. The processes of the investigation comprised of four steps. Firstly, it explored the service characteristics of the international quality assurance system and make two hypotheses. Secondly, through vast surveys of technical paper, the instrument of the SERVQUAL scale is established. Thirdly, with the aid of this statistic technique and through survey of satisfaction, hypotheses were proved with T test and some statistical analysis. Finally, the finding can comply with the characteristics of investigation on service quality satisfaction and quality importance for a consulting institute. Several results and conclusions from research are listed as fallows. .All the manufactures and the related industry of metal products are serious in executing the international quality assurance system. .The industry perceives that the appropriate term of consulting is among 6 to 12 months, which is determined by the progress of adopting the international quality assurance system. .After reaching the climax, the demand for adopting ISO 9000 family is decreasing. .Most clients prefer the consultants to stay at the client sites for 4-6 hours for every visit in assistance of executing the ISO system. .Due to some possible unbalanced distributions of the equipment and resource, there exists the difference in recognizing the satisfaction of support in consulting client sites located in different isolated areas. .There exists the conceptual discrepancy on the element of "total evaluation of the quality of the consulting service". |