題 名 | 佛經譬喻之廣泛性與通俗性=The Popularization of the Sutras' Metaphors |
作 者 | 陳麗珊; | 書刊名 | 大仁學報 |
卷 期 | 17 1999.05[民88.05] |
頁 次 | 頁397-417 |
分類號 | 221.07 |
關鍵詞 | 譬喻; 喻體; 喻依; Metaphor; Host of the metaphor; Things used to compare; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 佛家因明法「三支比量」,指宗、因、喻三支,宗為主旨,因是推因,喻則藉各種事例加以解說。若非根器極利,立宗推因實在無法使聞法大眾了解經義,獲得其中內涵,往往落入霧裡看花,似懂非懂的困惑中,譬喻因此顯得更形重要。譬喻的功能既是為幫助聞法者更加容易了解經義的內涵,取材自然必須淺顯易懂。本文透過對數部大小乘經典的檢視,歸納出十五類一百五十六目的實例,證明佛經譬喻的廣泛性與通俗性,以及一喻多義、一義多喻的靈活性。更可藉此突顯青青翠竹,悉是法身;鬱鬱黃花,無非般若的深厚義涵。以一般文學方法去探討佛經譬喻,無異是一種浪費,所謂「佛在靈山莫遠求,靈山只在汝心頭」,佛在面前,佛在西天,唯心所現。最深奧的哲理,往往以最平易近人的方式呈現,是為寫作本文的主要動機。 |
英文摘要 | The science of logic on the Buddhist scriptures are the gist, inference and metaphor. Unless you have natural gift for religious faith, you will never accurately understand the hidden meanings of the Sutras, so the metaphors in the Sutras seem important in the course of reading. The function of the Sutras' metaphors is to help the readers understand the religious scriptures, so the materials of the metaphors selected by Buddha are quite obvious. This paper has searched and collected many metaphors in the Sutras, and categorized them into 15 groups, then divided minutely into 156 small groups. It has certified that Sutras' metaphors are very popular and active, and we can recognize that Buddha is present in every living things. It is a waste to investigate the Sutras from literary angle. Buddha is Taoism, and it is on your heart. In the other words, Buddhism is one's original and unaltered nature. The main purpose of this paper is to present deep meanings by the easy metaphors. |