題 名 | 國會監督、立委表現與選舉課責=Congressional Evaluation, Legislator Performance and Electoral Accountability |
作 者 | 黃秀端; | 書刊名 | 臺灣民主季刊 |
卷 期 | 5:1 2008.03[民97.03] |
頁 次 | 頁161-169 |
關鍵詞 | |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 第七屆立委選舉結果對整個立法院的組成結構產生相當大的影響,國民黨獲得81席,加上友黨的席次,則達86席,已經超過四分之三的席次。此種結構與以往藍、綠差距不多相互僵持與對立的狀況完全不同。未來如果國民黨候選人當選總統可能形成超級總統,無人可以對抗。如果,民進黨候選人當選總統也必須向立法院低頭。無黨團結聯盟的地位將因兩大黨席次相差懸殊而失去舉足輕重之地位。無論是人事同意權、修憲權、倒閣、罷免、彈劾,國民黨幾乎都可以獨力發動,民進黨很難有招架的能力。民主制度是建立在制衡和監督之上,而不是建立在聖君賢相或偉大的領導者之上,唯有建立在制度之上方能長長久久。在制度上若未能形成一定之制衡,民間的監督力量便相當重要。有人質疑民間的監督不一定會產生效果,被評鑑好的立委,並不見得會當選,而那些被評鑑差的也有可能年年當選。但是若是完全沒有任何團體的監督,民眾也都不在意立委的表現時,立委的表現可能會更荒腔走板。沒有一個國家的國會議員會自動通過陽光法案、自動利益迴避,因為權力是會使人腐化的。因此,未來對國會的監督是很重要的,也相信會有越來越多的民間團體進行國會監督工作。 |
英文摘要 | In the recent legislative election, the KMT won a total of 81 out of 113 seats, while the DPP only took 27. This result of the election has changed the structure of the Legislative Yuan. If the KMT also wins the presidential election, then nobody can stop them; if the DPP wins the presidential election, the new president needs cooperation from the KMT. Non-party alliances will no longer play an important role in the Legislative Yuan due to the overwhelming majority that the KMT holds. Though the KMT promised that they will not “abuse its legislative powers,” democracy is based on the principle of checks and balances, not based on someone’s promise. If the system itself cannot provide enough checking power, then it is up to civil society to do something. It is important for civil society to supervise and evaluate the legislators’ performance. Some will question the effectiveness of evaluation from civil society. However, it would be worse if nobody cared about their performance. |