檢索結果筆數(22)。 各著作權人授權國家圖書館,敬請洽詢 nclper@ncl.edu.tw
- 題 名:
- 作 者:
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- 卷 期:
8:3 1999.09[民88.09]
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- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
8:3 1999.09[民88.09]
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論臺灣喝尿族的醫療動機與近代人尿學術之研究:Effect of Human Urine and the Motive of Urine-Drinking Family in Taiwan
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
1:1 2001.09[民90.09]
- 頁 次:
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題 名:
補陽還五湯對神經再生的影響:Effects of Buyang Huanwu Decoction on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
1:2 2002.03[民91.03]
- 頁 次:
題 名:
題 名:
中藥白芨對皮膚傷口癒合之研究:Study of the Chinese herb Bletilla Striata on Wound Healing
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
1:3 2002.09[民91.09]
- 頁 次:
題 名:
題 名:
Peripheral Nerve Regeneration through Nerve Guides Filled with Bilobalide and Schwann Cells:
- 作 者:
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- 卷 期:
18:1 民95.02
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題 名:
MAGAT Gel Dosimetry Validation in RapidArc^TM Treatment Using Cone-beam CT:
- 作 者:
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- 卷 期:
33:5 2013.10[民102.10]
- 頁 次:
題 名:
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- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications
- 卷 期:
23:1 2011.02[民100.02]
- 頁 次:
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- 書刊名:
Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications
- 卷 期:
24:1 2012.02[民101.02]
- 頁 次:
題 名:
Morphological and Neurochemical Assessment of Regenerated Peripheral Nerves in Bridging Conduits:
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications
- 卷 期:
23:4 2011.08[民100.08]
- 頁 次:
題 名:
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- 卷 期:
32:2 2012.04[民101.04]
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題 名:
Significant Association of Caveolin-1 Genotypes with Bladder Cancer Susceptibility in Taiwan:
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
54:3 2011.06[民100.06]
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- 作 者:
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- 卷 期:
29:6 2009.12[民98.12]
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題 名:
鈷六十加馬射線在中藥材滅菌及儲存之效果:Effects of □Co-gamma Radiosterilization and Storage on Chinese Medicines
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
14:3 2010.05[民99.05]
- 頁 次:
題 名:
題 名:
Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast Cancer in Taiwanese Patients:
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
53:2 2010.04[民99.04]
- 頁 次:
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題 名:
A Review for Gelatin Used for Artificial Nerve and Bone Implants--10-Year Retrospection:
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications
- 卷 期:
21:4 2009.08[民98.08]
- 頁 次:
題 名:
題 名:
Effects of Ligusticum Chuanxiong on Injured Peripheral Nerve in Rats:
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications
- 卷 期:
22:4 2010.08[民99.08]
- 頁 次:
題 名:
題 名:
桑寄生保肝護腎之療效評估:Reno Hepato-Protective Effects of "Shang Jisheng"
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
3:2 民93.09
- 頁 次:
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- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
4:2 民94.09
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Effect of Drying Method on the Characteristics of Genipin Cross-linked Gelatin Films:
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
29:1 2009.02[民98.02]
- 頁 次:
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