檢索結果筆數(6)。 各著作權人授權國家圖書館,敬請洽詢 nclper@ncl.edu.tw
- 題 名:
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
20:1 2003.01[民92.01]
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A Nonlinear Filter Control Chart for Detecting Dynamic Changes:
- 作 者:
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- 卷 期:
20:3 2010.07[民99.07]
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題 名:
題 名:
A Variable Multivariate EWMA Controller for Run-by-Run Process Adjustment:
- 作 者:
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- 卷 期:
46:2 2008.06[民97.06]
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題 名:
題 名:
Cusum and EWMA Multi-Charts for Detecting a Range of Mean Shifts:
- 作 者:
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- 卷 期:
17:3 2007.07[民96.07]
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Run Length Properties of the Cusum and EWMA Schemes for a Stationary Linear Process:
- 作 者:
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- 卷 期:
19:2 2009.04[民98.04]
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題 名:
Optimal Sequential Tests for Monitoring Changes in the Distribution of Finite Observation Sequences:
- 作 者:
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- 卷 期:
32:3 2022.07[民111.07]
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