題 名 | 音域圖對臺灣嗓音異常者嗓音治療療效之臨床評估初步研究=Clinical Assessment of Voice Treatment Efficacy for Taiwanese Disordered Voices by Phonetograms: A Preliminary Study |
作 者 | 盛華; 黃瑞麟; | 書刊名 | 中華民國聽力語言學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 14 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-15 |
分類號 | 416.8 |
關鍵詞 | 音域圖; 最大發聲頻率範圍; 最大發聲音量範圍; 最大說話頻率範圍; 最大說話音量範圍; Phonetogram; Maximum dynamic frequency range; Dynamic intensity range; Maximum range of speaking fundamental frequency; Maximum range of speaking intensity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 音域圖(phonetogram)是用來測量最大發聲頻率範圍及音量範圍。由於最大發聲表現需要用到發聲系統極限,檢查最大發聲表現最能反映說話功能。許多學者使用音域圖,證實嗓音治療有效改善非聲調語言病患發聲能力。但對原本即具有較佳音域範圍及說話柔韌性的聲調語言患者而言,嗓音治療是否與非聲調語言患者一樣,能有效改善其最大發聲表現及說話柔韌性,極待探討。故本研究目的是使用音域圖評估聲調語言嗓音異常病患嗓音治療前後音域圖之差異,以及對說話柔韌性之影響。 本研究收集10例母語為國語及閩南語之嗓音異常病患噪音治療前後聽覺判斷,說話頻率及音量檢查,以及音域圖檢查嗓音樣本。分析處理嗓音音質,說話頻率及音量範圍,以及最大發聲頻率及音量範圍。使用paired-t test,分析噪音治療前後上述數值之顯著差異。 結果發現,治療後音域圖中最大發聲頻率範圍及音量範圍均顯著增加。顯示噪音治療對改善說國語及閩南語之聲調語言病患最大發聲表現有明顯幫助。雖然這種效果並沒有顯著反映在最大說話頻率範圍(the maximum range of speaking fundamental frequency, ST)及說話音量範圍(the maximum range of speaking intensity, dB SPL)上,由於聽覺判斷發現治療後,病患噪音共鳴度顯著增加,以及沙啞聲,氣息聲與噪音單調性顯著減少之現象,仍間接反映說話柔韌性的改善。本研究尚需更多噪音樣本,做進一步結論。 |
英文摘要 | The phonetogram is a measure of maximum vocal performance. Many researchers using this tool identify voice therapy effects in non-tonal language patients. Because speakers of mandarin and Min have significant larger maximum frequency-intensity range as well as speaking range than speakers of non-tonal language, the possibility of voice therapy effects on these patients is a question to be proposed. The purpose of this study is to investigate voice treatment efficacy for tonal language patients by phonetograms, and its influence on speech flexibility. Voice data from 10 native Mandarin and Min voice disordered patients were collected and analyzed through perceptual judgment, speech flexibility tests and phonetograms before and after voice treatment. Paired-t test was used to analyze statistical significance of voice data before and after treatment. After treatment, the maximum dynamic frequency range and dynamic intensity range of phonetograms are significantly increased, which indicates significant treatment effects on maximum vocal performance. Although these effects are not found in speech flexibility tests, the significant improvement of perceptual judgment data indirectly reflect increased speech flexibility. |