題 名 | 國家、社會與公民權的發展=State, Society and the Development of Citizenship Rights |
作 者 | 沈宗瑞; | 書刊名 | 通識教育季刊 |
卷 期 | 6:2 民88.06 |
頁 次 | 頁65-83 |
分類號 | 528.32 |
關鍵詞 | 公民權; 國家; 市民社會; 國家組合主義; Citizenship rights; The state; Civil society; State corporation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 緣於歷史上,無論中外,公民教育一般皆為國家所策劃並灌輸給下一代,期為政治(或國家)服務之目的至為明為;另一方面,公民權利的爭取也不免涉及了社會對國家抗爭的之複雜過程。然而大學既肩負有社會批判與啟蒙之責,公民教育在大學中應如何定位與傳授,實為一重大課題。 本文以國家與社會暨動的宏角度,分析自五零年代以選,臺灣在公民權方面的發展。本文分三大子題,申論國家的角色特質、公民權的型塑過程以及解民後國家社會的互動。本文兼採先進民主國家的發展類型模式,包括國家社會暨動角色與公民權分類,用以突顯臺灣發展上的獨特軌徑。本文以為過去五十年的臺灣國家強勢角色以及在公共領域或公共性議題開發不足,將之歸類為德國模式。又在公民權發展種類上,指出四種類型上的進展與變遷。 |
英文摘要 | This paper is to analyze the development of the citizenship rights in Taiwan since 1950s with a macro-aspect of the interaction between state and society. The paper is composed of three subtitles, interpreting the role feature of state, the development of citizenship rights and the interaction of state and society after the lifting of Martial Law. Additionally, this paper adopts the developing patterns of advanced democratic countries, inclusive of (a) the interacting roles of state and society, (b) the classification of citizenship rights to characterize the uniqueness of Taiwan. In this paper, it is believed that in the past 50 years, Taiwan is patternized as German type (especially in second and third Reich) due to its shortage of public spheres in citizenship and the dominant role of state. As to the development of citizenship rights, there are four categories still under developing. |