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題 名 | 耐燃劑處理對木材燃燒熱值之減低效應=Reducing Effects of Fire Retardants on Calorific Values of Wood |
作 者 | 林曉洪; 王松永; | 書刊名 | 林產工業 |
卷 期 | 18:4 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁335-344 |
分類號 | 436.187 |
關鍵詞 | 紅檜; 柳杉; 杉木; 耐燃劑; 斷熱型熱量計; 燃燒熱; 減低效應; Taiwan red cypress; Japanese cedar; China fir; Fire retardant; Adiabatic calorimeter; Heat of combustion; Reduuing effect; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以三種省產造林木(紅檜、柳杉、杉木)為試材,經磨粉,篩選通過40mesh留存於60mesh木粉,再與四種商用耐燃劑(A~D)分別調製成13、20及26%重重百分比之藥劑吸收率。試材分別經絕乾、氣乾及10、45、95%環境調節其合水率後次依DIN 51900 part 1-3為試驗標準,進行耐燃劑處理材與未處理材之燃燒熱值試驗,並計算單位藥劑吸收率之燃燒熱減低效果。三種省產針葉樹造林木未處理絕乾材之燃燒熱值為4961.6-5095.5ca/g,且三者間無顯著差異。燃燒熱值隨試材含水率之增加而呈直線狀減低,且為極顯著相關。各藥劑處理材對燃燒熱均具有減低之效果。三樹種木材,單位藥劑吸收率之燃燒熱減低效果,紅檜為11.4-14.8%(531-694cal/g);柳杉為12.1-15.6%(563-722cal/g)及杉木為14.8-18.8%(686-870cal/g)。四種藥劑對單位吸收率燃燒熱之減低效果,則以C藥劑最大,A者最小。至於三樹種試材之燃燒熱減低效果則以杉木為最大。 |
英文摘要 | Three softwoods (Taiwania, China fir , Japanese cedar) were used raw materials grown in Taiwan in this study. Samples firstly were ground by Wiley mill and then screened by standard sieve (40/60mesh) and secondly were soaked into to four fire retardants. The absorption percentage of samples was controlled to 13, 20 and 26 %. All of samples were placed at 10, 45 and 95 %relative humidity environment for 30 days. Tests to determine the calorific value of the samples were carried out according to the DIN 51900 part 1- 3 and DIN 5499 to evaluate the calorific values of untreated control and fire retardant treated woods. Reduuing effects of calorific values for treated woods was thus calculated. The calorific values of three softwoods was 4961.6- 5095.5 cal/ g and there were no significant relationship among of three softwoods. The calorific values decreased with increasing the moisture content of samples. The Reduuing effects of calorific values for three woods was as Taiwan red cypress: 11.4 -14.8% (531-694 cal/g); Japanese cedar; 12.1-15.6%(563-722 cal/ g ) and China fir. 14.8-18.8%(686870 cal/ g ), respectively. Among the four chemicals, C provided the specimens the better calorific values decreased than the other three. As to the China fir showed the best reduuing effects in calorific values for woods. |