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題 名 | 中共導彈攻臺之可行性評估=The PRC Ballistic Missile Threat to Taiwan |
作 者 | 蕭朝琴; | 書刊名 | 中國大陸研究 |
卷 期 | 42:12 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁57-72 |
分類號 | 595.95 |
關鍵詞 | 彈道飛彈; 巡戈飛彈; 戰區飛彈防禦; 反制作為; Ballistic missile; Cruise missile; Theatre missile defense; TMD; Counter measures; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 自從一九九五年七月二十一日,中共在我澎佳嶼海面實施導彈試射演習後,造成 國人有著一股無名的恐懼。除了我國軍坦承無法加以反制外,其影響力已經產生了另一種比 軍事層面更為巨大的衝擊,那就是嚴重打擊我國以政治、經濟兩大層面所交織而成的浮動民 心。然而,中共導彈的實力,是否真如外界所預估的那般強大﹖我國面對此一威脅,又應如 何因應﹖本文將對中共發展導彈現況作一分析,以及未來在臺海衝突中,飛彈所扮演的角色 ,並提出我國應有的作法與反制措施。 |
英文摘要 | Since the PRC comducted missile tests close to Taiwan's south-western coast on the 21th of July 1995, Taiwanese have become frightened by Chinese military exercise. Because Taiwan's military defense system has reshown an inability to take effective counter meansnes, the psychological influence on society has led to an impact greate than the actual military threat to a degree strong enough to damage Taiwan's politics and economy. However, the PRC's ballistic missile capability is as strong as estimated ﹖ What is Taiwan supposed to do to face this threat ﹖ This article analyzes developments regarding the PRC's ballistic missiles and the role of missiles in the unpredictable future conflict across the Taiwan Straight. Finally it proposes counter measures that Taiwan can apply. |