- Typhoid Fever Presenting as Infection-Associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome: Report of One Case
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題 名 | Typhoid Fever Presenting as Infection-Associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome: Report of One Case=以感染合併血球吞噬症候群表現之傷寒:一病例報告 |
作 者 | 簡穎秀; 李秉穎; 黃立民; 李慶雲; 林東燦; 林凱信; | 書刊名 | 臺灣兒科醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 40:5 民88.09-10 |
頁 次 | 頁339-340+362 |
分類號 | 415.2746 |
關鍵詞 | 傷寒; 血球吞噬症候群; Typhoid fever; Infection-associated hemophagocytic syndrome; Neuropsychiatric manifestations; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本文報告一個13歲男童因持續高燒,全血球缺乏及急性精神病症狀而求診。骨髓 穿刺檢查顯示感染合併血球吞噬症候群(Infection-Associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome)。血液培養呈陰性但骨髓培養長出沙門氏傷寒桿菌。使用Ceftriaxone後臨床症狀 改善。此病例指出傷寒必須包括在感染合併血球吞噬症候群的鑑別診斷,除了骨髓型態學檢 查之外,骨髓培養亦是必須的。 |
英文摘要 | This report describes a 13-year-old boy who had high fever with severe pancytopenia and acute psychosis as initial presentation. Bone marrow examination was compatible with infection-associated hemophagocytic syndrome (IAHS). Blood culture showed no growth of bacteria while the culture of bone marrow yielded Salmonella typhi. The clinical condition stabilized shortly after the use of ceftriaxone. This case illustrates that typhoid fever must be included in the differential diagnosis of IAHS. In cases with IAHS, bacterial culture as well as morphological study of bone marrow is necessary for the evaluation of etiological agent and to avoid injudicious use of chemotherapy. |