題 名 | 臺灣土雞生長模擬模式之檢定=Validation of the Growth Simulation Model of Taiwan Country Chickens |
作 者 | 王斌永; 阮喜文; 施柏齡; 黃祥吉; | 書刊名 | 畜產研究 |
卷 期 | 32:4 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁323-332 |
分類號 | 437.714 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣土雞; 生長; 模擬模式; Taiwan country chickens; Growth; Simulation model; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之目的旨在驗證臺灣土雞生長模擬模式之預測能力。採用臺灣省畜產試驗 所育成之四品種雜交商用品系土雞為試驗動物, 並採用 Mechanistic 方式建立模式,透過 收集已發表之各項有關臺灣土雞生長與生理反應資料,分析各項收集資料,進行系統分析、 系統設計與建立系統流程圖, 並利用電腦程式語言 (Quick BASIC) 進行程式之撰寫與系統 之測試工作。同時進行飼養試驗,記錄採食量及體重變化情形,將所得數據導入模式中,作 為輔助運算的參考係數。本模式以每日為基礎,模擬臺灣土雞生長直至屠宰日齡或屠宰體重 為止,可預估飼養期間之飼料採食量、日增重及飼料轉換率情形。飼養結果獲得飼料採食量 (F,g) 及平均體重 (W,g) 分別與週齡 (t, week) 間之二次迴歸方程式及 Gompertz 生長 函式分別為:F=-22.2+77t �握� W=26.31 本模式以實際飼養試驗結果加以比對,於輸入與實 際飼養相同之營養標準、飼養過齡 (0 ∼ 16 週 ) 及相近的環境條件下, 其文測偵與模擬 值之飼料採食量及體重平均比分別為 0.95 及 1.03; 並進一步與已發表之文獻進行雞隻屠 體部位比例比對,則可得部分相近的結果。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to validate the model for predicting growth of Taiwan country chickens. The Taiwan country chicken used in this study was the commercial breed of the four-line-crosses bred by Taiwan Livestock Research Institute. This model was developed on a mechanistic method. The numerous related growth and physical information in published papers were collected and analyzed to build a flow chart of the system. This model was written in Quick BASIC computer programming language and was used to validate the system. A feeding experiment was conducted to collect feed intake and body weight change to establish a reference coefficient. The model predicted on a daily basis and simulated the daily growth of Taiwan country chicken untill the day the chickens were ready for dressing. The feed intake, daily gain and feed conversion ratio were also predicted during the experiment. The quadratic regression equations of feed intake {F, g) and Gompertz growth function of average body weight (W, g) with weekly age (@ week) are F=-22.2+77t-2.2t �� and W=26.31, respectively. Given the same nutrient composition, feeding period and the similar condition of environment, the model was validated by comparing with the experimental data. The result showed that the ratio of experimental data and predicted value of feed intake and body weight are 0.95 and 1.03, respectively. This model was further validated with the carcass percentage from published paper. The result showed that the response trend was partly consistent with the published data. |