題 名 | 前蘇聯與俄羅斯新聞傳媒之研究=Mass Media in the Former Soviet Union and Russia |
作 者 | 王承宗; | 書刊名 | 問題與研究 |
卷 期 | 38:11 1999.11[民88.11] |
頁 次 | 頁53-76 |
分類號 | 899.48 |
關鍵詞 | 新聞媒體; 公開性; 發行量; 新聞檢查; 集團化; 第四權; 網際網路; 私營媒體; 無線電與電視; Mass media; Glasnost; Circulation; Censorship; Conglomeratize; Forth power; Internet; Private media; Radio & television; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 論及近百年來俄國新聞傳媒的發展或狀況,顯然不同於西方世界。沙俄時期對反 政府的新聞傳媒和革命份子採取高壓與禁制措施;十月革命後,將近七十年歲月,蘇聯傳媒 成為共黨的政治宣傳、教育與壟斷性工具,私有或反共的新聞傳媒一概嚴格禁止出版,出版 與言論自由不過是蘇聯憲法的具文。戈巴契夫的改革與公開性,為久已奄奄一息的傳媒帶來 新生;在戈氏鼓勵下,新聞傳媒躍升為改革急先鋒。傳媒不再是官方御用工具,而且私有傳 媒也獲准設立;新聞傳媒開始其百花齊放、百家爭鳴的時代,進而演變為反對蘇共一黨專政 的號角。一九九二以後,新聞傳媒繼續發揮其對社會政治的影響與意見,被稱為第四權。但 是傳媒的發展也難免受到社會經濟情勢惡化的波及,導致本身經營陷入困境;另方面,俄羅 斯政府採取經濟補貼、政治干預手段企圖左右傳媒的報導或論調,甚至進行新聞檢查對付反 政府的媒體。新聞傳媒雖然繼續其八○年代末的發展自由,在激烈競爭下,傳媒的生存能力 反而出現危機。此外,俄羅斯財團注意到傳媒的政治影響力,開始收購或創辦新的媒體,新 聞媒體逐漸形成集團化發展。至於網際網路可以說是新興產物,網路新聞媒體正處於萌芽階 段,但對俄羅斯中產階層漸漸展露影響力。 |
英文摘要 | The development of the Russian mass media in the last one hundred years has been different than the Western media. The tsar strictly suppressed anti-tsar media and revolutionaries. After the October Revolution, the mass media became a Soviet tool for political agitation and education. The Communist regime banned all private ownership of the media. The promise of freedom of the press was never realized - except in the Constitution of the Soviet Union. The policies of perestroika and glasnost (openness ) initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev gave the moribund Soviet media new life. Due to Gorbachev's courage, the media became the pioneer of his reform policy. The Soviet media was no longer an official tool, and thus the private-owned media was permitted to come into existence. Since 1992, the mass media has continued to develop influence over society and politics, and has become known as a true " fourth power." The media cannot, however, escape the influence of the deteriorating Russian economy. The Russian government has also attempted to interfere in or influence the media and public opinion by budgetary subsidies, political pressure, and censorship. Although the mass media is free in principle, but under strong competition, its survival capacity was in jeopardy due to these crises. Additionally, the Russian industrial-financial syndicates became attracted by the media's power and began to buy up media institutes or set up new ones. The Russian mass media is gradually developing into several groups. The Internet news media, which is a newly emerging industry, has had some initial influence on the Russian middle class. |