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題 名 | 新聞事實的邏輯=The Logic of News Fact |
作 者 | 鍾蔚文; 翁秀琪; 紀慧君; 簡妙如; | 書刊名 | 國家科學委員會研究彙刊. 人文及社會科學 |
卷 期 | 9:4 1999.10[民88.10] |
頁 次 | 頁575-589 |
分類號 | 895.3 |
關鍵詞 | 事實觀; 知識論; 事實; 新聞學; 實證論; 擬真; 信任; 語言; Epistemology; Fact; Journalism; Empiricism; Verisimilitude; Trust; Language; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 當我們看到一篇新聞報導時,我們究竟如何判斷其內容為事實?這是新聞的關鍵 問題,但一般語焉不詳。理由之一是:常人認為事實存在於客觀的世界,清明透澈,人人皆 可自行檢驗,無需說明,基本上呼應實證的事實典範。但是如果我們對有關事實的指導原則 (如編採手冊、教科書),與實際的報導作一檢視,便可發現其中關於事實的概念充滿斷裂 和矛盾。表面上服膺實證主義,認為事實如日月不辯自明,這一信念也的確表現在語言機制 上。但是從新聞呈現的層次(語言活動)來看,新聞事實是語言的產物,未必反映外界的真 實。語言是建構事實的資源和線索;報導事實是一個利用語言機制遊說讀者接受事實的過程 ,讀者則利用語言為線索作事實的判準。新聞主要透過兩個路徑進行遊說:擬真和定位報導 者。即使表面上反映實證主義的語言機制,本質上也在執行這些功能。因此新聞的事實反映 了實證和建構兩種事實觀的妥協和衝突。 |
英文摘要 | The concept of fact, which is central to the functioning of journalism, has, however, receiving little serious discussion. Journalistic practices on fact finding are nevertheless guided by mundane epistemologies. To further advances in journalism, these epistemologies should be subject to close scrutiny. With this purpose in view, this paper attempts to examine the mundane epistemology underpinning current practices, which will be inferred from manuals on news gathering and samples of news coverage. The major thrust of this paper is that current journalistic writing, with regard to its concern with facts, represents a compromise between two seemingly conflicting epistemologies. On the surface, advice manuals have espoused an unswerving commitment to empiricist conception of reality with its emphasis on the correspondence between words and reality. This conception of fact had in fact left significant traces in the language of journalism. This paper argues, however, journalistic practices can be more appropriately accounted for by an epistemology, which conceives of fact more as verisimilitude rather than reality itself. From this perspective, linguistic devices are seen as mechanisms contributing to verisimilitude rather than as mirrors of reality. The tension between these two epistemologies to a certain extent gives journalistic language its unique character. |