題 名 | 島地默雷信教自由論的研究=A Study on Shimaji Mokurai's Theory of Religious Freedom |
作 者 | 陳宗元; | 書刊名 | 法光學壇 |
卷 期 | 3 1999[民88.] |
頁 次 | 頁57-71 |
分類號 | 229.4 |
關鍵詞 | 島地默雷; 信教自由論; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 日本淨土真宗本願寺派的島地默雷(1838-1911),在日本佛教歷史土是一劃時代 的人物。他曾為明治維新初期時現代化的日本佛教,而考察了歐美宗教現況。也 曾在考察途中,向明治政府「三條教則」的不當宗教政策,提出建白書。力阻明 治政府一意孤行以神道為國教,而進行排佛納佛的錯誤舉動。為當時的政府說明 了「敬神不等於愛國」「愛國不必是敬神」政教應分離的原則。強調佛教在二諦圓 融的精神之下,更可在自己的崗位上,發揮利益世間功能而達到愛國的目的。如 此,一方面瓦解了神道國教化的野心,一方面也使明治政府放棄「納佛」的念頭, 而實行了信教自由。但可惜的是,默雷的信教自由只是對付神道壓迫的一種手段 而已。並無意將基督教納入到信教自由約範圍中來。反而,一貫地立足於護國. 防邪的「本土」立場,將基督教視為邪教而將以排斥。如此,島地墨雷不僅失去 了一次在人類宗教歷史上,以行動證明信教自由可行性及重要性的機會。也失去 了可能會使後來的德川幕府政權大量迫害基督教徒的歷史悲劇,得以避免的機會 了。 |
英文摘要 | In the history of Japanese Buddhism, Shimaji Mokurai (1838-1911) who belonged to the Hongwanji branch of the Jodo Shinshu, was an epochal figure. In the early years of the Meiji Reforms, he visited Europe and America to investigate the religious situation there with the aim of modernizing Japanese Buddhism. While travelling overseas, he also addressed the Meiji government in connection with the erroneous "three principles" policy towards religion. He tried his best to prevent the government from elevating Shintoism to the status of national religion and carrying out the mistaken strategy of rejecting and assimilating Buddhism by explaining to the authorities that paying respect to the gods does not equal patriotism and that one could well be patriotic without necessarily paying respect to the gods -state and religion should be separated. Shimaji Mokurai stressed that with its spirit of complete harmony between the two truths Buddhism was in an even better position to benefit the world and fulfil the aims of patriotism. In this way he put an end to ambitious attempts to make Shinto the state religion and discouraged the Meiji government from carrying out their assimilation policy towards the Buddhists. Unfortunately, however, Shimaji Mokurai's theory of religious freedom was only a means to counteract oppression from the Shinto side. He had not intention to include Christianity into the area freedom of choice was granted. Quite the contrary, he always maintained a chauvinistic attitude of protecting the fatherland and preventing heresy, wherefore he regarded Christianity as a devious teaching which should be rejected. Thus he lost a historic opportunity to prove with actions that it is both possible and important to enjoy freedom of belief. Maybe he even missed a chance to avoid the persecution of Christians carried out later by the Tokugawa government. |