題 名 | 「明史紀事本末.王振用事」校讀=A Textual Criticism of "Wang Zhen in Power" in Mingshi Jishi Benmo |
作 者 | 吳智和; | 書刊名 | 華岡文科學報 |
卷 期 | 23 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁161-199 |
分類號 | 626.03 |
關鍵詞 | 明史紀事本末; 王振; 英宗; Mingshi jishi benmo; Wang Zhen; Ying Zong; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 《明史.宦官傳》序言,認為宦禍「始於王振,卒於魏忠賢。」因此,王 振傳成為研究明代宦官歷史者,必讀的傳記。成於眾手的谷應泰 《明史紀事本末》,以成 書於清修《明史》之前,被視為研究明代史的重要參考史書之一,而谷書又是雜纂他書而成 ,具有爭議性在。本文擇其中<王振用事>一卷,以本事、公案、史源、史論、校訂等五個 範疇,試為校讀,不意有一些發現與收穫。經過援引基本的史料,如:《明英宗實錄》、明 人筆記、野史、史著等,比對校誤;運用最基礎的史學方法,排列史料、尋出典據,依據紀 事本末<王振用事>的分段,逐條比對校讀一番。結果典據各書,大體上都呈顯原貌,而與 <王振用事>一卷引據史料大體符合。不僅校讀上有所典據,也發現不少的錯字、錯置。並 據此斷定此卷<王振用事>的編纂者,有偏好明人筆記、野史的慣習,因此筆削雜蕪,坐是 成篇,可議之處不少。 |
英文摘要 | It was said that the calamity of eunuch began with Wang Zhen, and ended with Wei Zhong-xian in the preface of "the Biographies of Eunuch" in Mingshi. Therefore, to the researchers of the eunuch history of Ming, "Wang Zhen Zhuan" is the important biography they have to read. Because of it's completing before Mingshi, Mingshi Jishi Benmo written by Gu Ying-tai was regarded as one of the important reference books of the research on Ming history, otherwise it was controversial for it's compiling from several books. The author selected "Wang Zhen in Power" from Mingshi Jishi Benmo, and obtained some discoveries and results through making a textual criticism of it in five categories: historicity, issue, resource of material, historical discussion, and proofreading. In order to make correction, the essential material such as Ming Tmgzong Shilu, the Biji of Ming authors, unofficial history and historical writings etc. was quoted. In accordance with the paragraph of "Wang Zhen in Power", and after making a textual criticism by using basical historical methods, arranging material, and finding out the writings on which it founded, the books the author based upon corresponded to the resource material historicized in "Wang Zhen in Power" generally. Next, lots of the wrong words and placement were found in it. For this reason, we can determine that the compiler of "Wang Zhen in Power" was in the habit of having a preference for the Biji of Ming authors and unofficial historical writings, and that it needs to be discussed. |