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題 名 | 太空劇場影片中景觀元素對觀眾生心理反應之研究=A Study of the Physiological and Psychological Responses to the Landscape Elements in Space Theater Films |
作 者 | 張俊彥; 曾慈慧; | 書刊名 | 博物館學季刊 |
卷 期 | 13:4 1999.10[民88.10] |
頁 次 | 頁99-111 |
分類號 | 300.9 |
關鍵詞 | 景觀形態; 生理反應; 肌電值; 治療性景觀; Landscape types; Physical responses; Electromvographic; Therapeutic landscape; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 過去景觀的相關文獻多著重於探討使用者之心理認知,對於使用者之生理反應則很少觸及,然景觀空間對使用者之生理反應確實是一個最明確、最易於評估景觀反應的指標。 本研究參酌生、心理模式(Psychophysical Paradigm)、治療性景觀(Therapeutical Landscape)等理論,發展出研究架構,並探討造園景觀形態對使用者生理之影響。研究結果將可協助設計者針對使用者生理反應設計有益之景觀形態。 本研究之設計是以景觀類型之影像作為刺激來源,記錄受測者之生理反應肌電值以進行後續分析。造園景觀形態之類別引用Kaplan & Kaplan(1989)之研究架構作為分類依據,而生理反應計畫以肌電為測試因子。研究測試地點為國立自然科學博物館之太空劇場,研究對象則是隨機抽取太空劇場之觀眾。研究測試工具乃運用MOE Co.之EMG4之生理回饋(Biofeedback)測試儀測量受測者之肌電反應(Electromvographic)。 而且,為求測試之嚴謹,於受測者完成測試後,再填寫一份有關於其受測時心理感受之問卷。結果顯示水體景觀和山岳景觀是影響肌電反應的重要景觀元素。 |
英文摘要 | Compared to the number of studies on mental cognition, very few studies have described the effect of landscape on physical response. However, physical responses are the most precise and most easily evaluated factors for determining landscape benefits. Therefore, this study incorporated the psychophysical paradigm and therapeutic landscape therories to test the relationships between different landscape elements and respondents' electromvographic response. The findings could help designers to establish beneficial landscapes for different users. In the study, different landscape types, which included various landscape elements, were the source of stimulus. The electromvographic response of respondents was recorded for further analysis. Kaplan & Kaplan's landscape types were used to categorize landscape elements. Testing was performed at the Space Theater of the National Museum of Natural Science. Respondents were randomly chosen from among museum visitiors. The EMG4 biofeedback recorder by MOE Co. was used as the recording instrument for respondents' electromvographic response. After the physical survey, respondents were asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding their psychological response during the testing period and their physical condition. Water landscapes and mountain landscapes were found to be the most influential landscape elements, based on electromvographic response. Respondents' psychological and physical conditions did not show significant differences. |