- 誰的政治思想﹖為何研究﹖--臺灣政治學界政治思想研究之初步回顧:1988∼1998
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- Confucian Political Thought and Democracy
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題 名 | 誰的政治思想﹖為何研究﹖--臺灣政治學界政治思想研究之初步回顧:1988∼1998=A Preliminary Review on the Conditions of the Study of Political Thought in Taiwan: 1988-1998 |
作 者 | 陳瑞崇; | 書刊名 | 思與言 |
卷 期 | 37:3 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁141-208 |
專 輯 | 政治共同體研究專號 |
分類號 | 570.9 |
關鍵詞 | 政治思想; 政治思想史方法論; 臺灣政治思想研究; 政治論述典範; 政治思想的政治性格; Political thought; Methodology of history of political thought; Study of political thought in Taiwan; Paradigm of political discourse; Political character of political thought; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文乃皙據政治思想史方法法論的提示針對近十年來臺灣地區政治學研究所學位論文、專業學報及中央研究院社科所的研討會論文,提出初步的描述與質問,因為絕大多的論文與臺灣政治歷史、論述、制度無關,明顯地偏重個別思想家常說的闡釋或批判,這些研與眼下的本地社會的相關性也顯得相當薄弱,解除戒嚴後的臺灣政治思想研並未見有面對政治現實及其歷史的企圖和具體行為,這樣的研究現況讓人不禁要問:政治思想研究者「到底為何研究」? |
英文摘要 | Abstract According to the substantial inspirations of methodology of history of political thought, this essay intends to proceed a preliminary overview on the conditions of the study of political thought in Taiwan last decade. It found that most works of political thought in Taiwan had little to do with Taiwan political history, institutions, actions, and the whole society. The introduction, interpretation, and critique of the masterpieces of western political philosophy seemed to become the only legitimate intention for the scholars to study political thought in Taiwanese political science. Based on the reliable materials, including dissertations of department of political science, journals, seminar papers of political thought, therefore, this essay tried to invite the members of the community of political science of Taiwan to encounter a set of provocative but challenging issue- “why and what do we study for in the area of so-called “political thought”? is it indispensible to study political thought for Taiwanese political science” “-for selfreflecting the history and current state of the study of political thought in Taiwan for ourselves and future scholars and students. |