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題 名 | 黃庶研究=A Study on Huang Shu |
作 者 | 黃啟方; | 書刊名 | 故宮學術季刊 |
卷 期 | 17:1 民88.秋 |
頁 次 | 頁19-66+左3 |
分類號 | 782.851 |
關鍵詞 | 黃庶; 黃庭堅; 伐檀集; Huang Shu; Huang T'ing-chien; Fa-t'an chi; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 黃庶,宋代詩、文大家黃庭堅之父。《宋史》無傳,生平事跡僅略見於自編詩、文集《伐檀集》自序、陳師道《李夫人墓誌銘》等。本文作者據其詩、文及相關文獻,考黃庶之生平行誼、思想才識及交游。全文分四部分:一、分析黃庶的思想與才識;二、從黃庶的作品,探討黃庶的文學風格與文學觀;三、討論《伐檀集》中所反映的宋代史料,如官吏之「考課法」及縣級官吏俸祿情形;四、綜合討論黃庶一生行實,兼及其父黃湜、其子黃庭堅與其交游;並將黃庶詩、文加以繫年。 |
英文摘要 | Huang Shu was the son of Huang T'ang-chien, the great Sung dynasty poet and writer. Huang Shu's biography, however, does not appear in the official history of the Sung dynasty (Sung shih) and a glimpse of his life is found only in such texts as his preface to his collection of writings entitled Fa-t'an chi and "Tomb Inscription for Madame Li by Ch'en Shih-tao." Based on Huang's writings and other rrelated materials, the author of the present study examines his life, thought, and friendships. The present paper is divided into four parts: 1) an analysis of Huang's thought and scholarship, 2) research on his literary style and views based on his works, 3) examination of details from historical material in his literary collection, and 4) a summary of his life, including discussion of his ancestors and son, Huang T'ing-chien, as well as his various friendships. Furthermore, the present study also includes a chronological arrangement of Huang Shu's prose and poetry. |