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題 名 | 臺灣歷次精神醫療院所評鑑之比較=Psychiatric Hospital Accreditation in Taiwan |
作 者 | 葉英堃; 呂淑妤; 戴傳文; 范碧玉; 蘇喜; 陳毓萍; | 書刊名 | 臺灣精神醫學 |
卷 期 | 13:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁17-26 |
分類號 | 419.57 |
關鍵詞 | 精神醫療品質; 醫院評鑑; 醫院管理; 精神醫療計畫; Psychiatric hospital accreditation; Quality assurance of care; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為提昇精神醫療品質,行政院衛生署自民國七十四年度起,共辦理五次評鑑。本 研究為�d述性研究,主要目的在於比較歷次精神醫療院所評鑑結果與特點。研究方法為蒐集 歷次精神醫療院所評鑑之評量表及評鑑結果,予以彙整及分析。研究結果發現歷次評鑑之評 量項目從最基本的病床設備、醫療作業、以及醫事人員之教學進修研究三大方面,逐次增加 硬體設備設施及品質管理評估等項目,而評鑑結果則從七十四年度的特優、優、可、差、劣 五大等級簡化為八十六年度的合格三年、合格一年與不合格三大等級,而且精神醫療院所的 評鑑對我國精神醫療的改善確有其效力,本研究建議衛生署研議委託具有公信力之專業團體 ,專責辦理評鑑工作的可行性外,評鑑項目應增加特殊醫療模式類別並評鑑其成效;同時應 建立合理的評鑑獎懲及輔導複查制度,以增加評鑑的實質功能。 |
英文摘要 | Nation-wide psychiatric hospital accreditation (PHAP) was initiated by the Department of Health in 1985. It has been carried out every three years since its inception in 1985, namely, in 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994, and 1997 respectively. All the data collected in the accreditation process are based on the specifically designed schedules by the accreditation committee of the Department of Health. All the accreditation is on peer-evaluation basis. This study reports major findings from the PHAP carried out in the past five respective key years. The results of study show there are slight changes in the number of hospitals participated, number of evaluators, the specific areas, programs, treatment modalities, and the items evaluated, and the measures taken for those hospital which do not meet the requirement of the accreditation committee. Overall the changes are directed toward the improvement of the program based on the demand for mental health care at the specific key years of accreditation, and on the results of the prior accreditation. The study found that the PHAP has had significant impacts on the improvement of mental health care in terms of: 1) increase in psychiatric personnels, in treatment facilities particularly for community care, and in psychiatric unit of general hospital settings; and 2) intensification of quality assurance measures in various aspects of care. Suggestions are made to further improve the procedures of the accreditation in order to meet with the increasing demand for mental health care of the nation. |