題 名 | 永續發展概念對海島臺灣的啟示=The Concept of Sustainable Development and Its Implication to Island Taiwan |
作 者 | 蕭新煌; | 書刊名 | 社會文化學報 |
卷 期 | 8 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-10 |
專 輯 | 臺灣之永續發展 |
分類號 | 445.9 |
關鍵詞 | 永續發展; 海島; 臺灣; 全球發展目標; 承載能力; 生態的合; Sustainable development; Island; Taiwan; World development objectives; Carrying capacity; Ecological synthesis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文首先指出,自二次世界大戰結束以來,有關全球發展目標的核心概念,曾經有過幾次重大的變化。先是從戰後初期的復原概念,到1960年代的成長概念,到1970年代的發展概念,進而為1980年代的福祉和生活品質概念,然後才再演進為1990年代廣為流行的永續發展概念。永續發展的最根本意涵是回歸環境,其具體內涵則是1.從同代分享成長到跨代共享發展,2.從無極限到承載能力,和3.從單純科技解決手段到整體策略轉變。此一概念對臺灣未來發展的啟示有二,一是重新建立「海島」的生態認同,二是嚴肅建構適合海島特性的永續發展指標並以之做為評估國家發展目標和策略的準則。 |
英文摘要 | This paper starts with the trace of the changes of the key concepts about global/world development objectives since the end of W W II. Right after the war, it was the concept of "rehabilitation", followed by "growth" in the 1960s, then the concept of "development" took the lead in the 1970s. In the 1980s, "well-being" and "quality of life" were the two major conceptions of world human development, and then in the 1990s it evolved into "sustainable development". The essence of sustainable development is to bring "the environment" back into the discussion of world development. The concrete ingredients of sustainable development are 1. the change from same generational consumption of growth to inter-gernerational sharing of development; 2. the move from "no-limits" to "carrying capacity"; and 3. the shift from the simple technological solution to the overall strategical transformation. Finally, the critical implications of sustainable development to Taiwan are: 1. Taiwan should reestablish its "island" identity; 2. Taiwan should construct a set of island sustainable development indicators and by which the objectives and strategies of Taiwan's future national development can be properly evaluated. |