題 名 | 中國古代存祀主義之國際王道思想=Abstract: The Inter-state Regal Benevolence Ideology as seen in Ancesttral Worship in Ancient China |
作 者 | 王爾敏; | 書刊名 | 人文中國學報 |
卷 期 | 6 1999.04[民88.04] |
頁 次 | 頁33-52 |
分類號 | 570.92 |
關鍵詞 | 中國古代; 存祀主義; 王道思想; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 據史實所可考知,中國古代自殷商時代已傳衍一種存祀的國際關係思想。可以命之為存祀主義。相傳殷商高宗武丁時代已有這種思想。 惟在後世聖賢學者與君后諸侯普遍信持的歷史記載,則多以周武王克商故事為根據。成為歷代傳承的史事典範。故事內容十分具體而顯明。就是在武王克商之後除了殺掉妲己,並把紂王懸首在白旗上。同時散發鹿台(地名)之財,分發鉅橋(地名)之粟,分給黎民百姓。並派人釋放被囚的箕子(人名)和眾百姓,派人封比干(人名)之墓,表彰商容(人名)的門閭。更封紂的兒子武庚祿父(人名)保存原有的殷商政權。此外更分神農、黃帝、唐堯、虞舜、夏禹等帝王的後人立為封國。因是古代聖賢俱頌稱為王道。 在古代的學術思想名家,先後普遍頌揚武王的存祀主義的王道。有孔子、子思、荀子、以及儒家後學,一致宏揚孔子所說:「興滅國,繼絕世,舉逸民,天下之民歸心焉。」而法家的管子,更是幫助齊桓公實質履行存祀主義,儒家經典盛讚齊桓公的三存亡國,一繼絕世。因是使春秋時代的霸業,有一個存祀主義王道思想。我人尚可以在《左傳》、《國語》書中發現此一實踐的例子。 存祀主義進入秦漢大一統之世,已在政治運行上消褪。然至明清兩代,更成為封貢體制(Tributary System)中一個政治信念。明清帝君對於朝貢國多有履踐。仍不廢王道。中國最後一次履行存祀主義,是在光緒五年(1879)在日本吞併琉球的交涉中,主張為琉球保存其所據大島,以延續琉球宗廟血祀。此為帝國主義者暗笑中國的迂闊愚昧。然而今世爭殺是尚,弱小民族如何避免征服,逃脫被奴役命運。此是世界人類共同思考之大問題。 |
英文摘要 | According to historical records, since the Shang era, a nationally related ideology regarding the worship of royal ancestors had existed in ancient China. It was believed that such kind of thoughts existed in as early as the Gao-zhong Wu Ding period in the ancient Shang Dynasty. However scholars, kings, queens and the noblemen in later years generally tended to believe in records about inheritance that were based on the story of King Zhou Wu who conquered Shang. This had become the paradigm of historical inheritance. The story was very concrete and its message obvious. After King Wu conquered Shang, apart from killing the Shang King's concubine Tan Ji and hanging up the head of the infamous King Zhou on a white flag, he also distributed the wealth in Lu-tai and the food in Ju Qiao to civilians; moreover he sent people to release the imprisoned Qi Zi and other civilians; he sent someone to honor the tomb of Bi Gan and decorate the door of Shang Rong; King Zhou's son Wu Gang Lu Fu was allowed to maintain Shang's political power. In addition, the descendants of Shen Nong, Huang Di, Tang Yao, Yu Shun and Xia Yu were awarded territories. Many ancient scholars lauded such generosity as regal benevolence. Renowned thinkers and philosophers in ancient China had been praising King Wu's regal benevolence ideology. Confucius, Zi Si, Xun Zi and other confucius followers unanimously upheld what Confucius proclaimed, "Assist defeated states to recover, let political regimes of the ousted rulers continue, give glory to hermits of the previous dynasty, then all the people would whole-heartedly render support to the ruling power." Guan Zi of the Legalistic School helped Qi Wun Gong (Duke of Qi) implement ancestral inheritance. In the Confucius classics, Qi Wun Gong was much acclaimed for rendering help to defeated states three times, and helping to perpetuate ancestral worship of ousted states. Thus we can tell that during the hegemony of the war-torn Spring-autumn era, such royal inheritance thoughts existed. Concrete examples can be found in classics such as "Zou Zhuan" and "Guoyu". The regal benevolence tenet faded out politically in the unified Qin and Han era. Nevertheless, in the Ming and Qing dynasty, it had evolved into a political ideology in the Tributary System The kings of Ming and Qing Dynasty upheld regal benevolence through pledging to protect their prot�g?states. The last ancestral worship tenet was seen in the fifth year of Guang Xu's rule (1879) when Japan had taken Ryukyu Island. The Emperor of the Qing Dynasty insisted that Ryukyu Island should keep Da Dao (Big Island) so as to allow it to maintain its ancestral worship practice and blood-line. The imperialists sneered at China as ignorant and stupid. However, in contemporary time, amidst fighting and killings, how vulnerable tribes could avoid being conquered and enslaved is actually an important issue for all people to ruminate. |