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題 名 | 《莊子.齊物論》研究=Zhuang Zi's “Qi Wu Lun” |
作 者 | 袁長瑞; | 書刊名 | 哲學與文化 |
卷 期 | 26:1=296 1999.01[民88.01] |
頁 次 | 頁24-34+94-95 |
分類號 | 121.33 |
關鍵詞 | 生活品質的低落; 本然狀態; 不明本然狀態下造作; 價值成見; 莫若以明; 吾喪我; 生活品質的提昇; Degradation of the quality of life; Original state; Creation from an unenlightened original state; Value completion; Enlightened state; True self over ego; Elevation of the quality of life; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文以基本結構分析法解構《齊物論》一文的思想脈絡。指出絕大部分人在待人接物處事上常常會因「不明本然狀態下的造作」,造成各種荒謬可笑的對立衝突與是非爭辯,導致「生活品質的低落」;面對這樣的生命困境,唯有透過「莫若以明」的認知改變與「吾喪我」的心靈超拔,才有可能加以化解,進而把「生活品質提昇」到怡然自得、逍遙自在的理想境界。 |
英文摘要 | This article uses a basic structural analysis in looking at the thought in Zhuang Zi's ‘Qi Wu Lun’. Zhuang Zi points out that most people proceed from “an unenlightened state in solving problems” in the realm of human affairs. They go on to then create absurd conflicts and logical arguments which result in the “degrading of the quality of life”. The only way to face this difficulty would be to then go through and enlightened metamorphosis and achieve a transcendence of self. In this way there then is the possibility of transformation into an “elevation of the quality of life” and the ability to “roam in the ideal realm of the true self”. |