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題 名 | 國內資訊管理研究回收率之探討=A Study of Response Rate in MIS Researches |
作 者 | 翁淑緣; | 書刊名 | 資訊管理學報 |
卷 期 | 5:1 1998.08[民87.08] |
頁 次 | 頁107-127 |
分類號 | 511.2 |
關鍵詞 | 問卷調查法; 回收率; 廢卷率; 追蹤聯繫; 樣本代表性; Survey method; Response rate; Invalid response rate; Follow-up or contact; Sample representativeness; MIS research; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 以問卷調查法所進行的研究,首重問卷回收率。回收率的高低決定樣本完整性的多寡及樣本代表性的大小,進而影響研究結果的推論性。本研究提出一個樣本代表性關係模示圖來闡釋抽樣方法與問卷回收率對樣本代表性的影響;並探討資訊管理領域採用問卷調查法所作研究的問卷回收情形。 分析六十六篇已出版之資管研究報告的結果發現:(1)平均的回收率是33.95%,有效回收率是31.53%,比美國社會科學研究的平均回收率來得低。(2)樣本大小與回收率呈現顯著的負相關,表示郵寄問卷數越多,回收率越低。研究者顯然是重視回收的問卷數而忽略了回收率。(3)廢卷率的平均數是3.19%。因此,比此數還高的廢卷率不可不注意。(4)肯定能夠增加回收率的追蹤聯繫技巧,使用的普遍性不夠,這是資管研究回收率低的重要原因之一。 |
英文摘要 | Response rate is the primary concern of the researchers who choose to use survey method in conducting their research. The higher the response rate is, the more extensive a sample can represent its population and the more comprehensive the research findings can be generalized. This study proposes a model to explain the important effects of sampling method and response rate on the representativeness of a sample to its population. This study also try to explore the average response rate and its related aspects in most of the researches in the field of MIS. Sixty six published papers on MIS are collected and their reported response rates are analyzed. The findings are: (1) The average response rate is significantly lower than the figure Heberlein & Baumgartner reported. This fact is worth more attention from researchers. (2) The sample size is negatively correlated with the response rate. It is apparent that researchers put too much emphasis on the numbers of questionnaire returned and neglect the importance of the response rate. (3) The average of invalid response rate is 3. 19%. This may be the threshold for researcher to examine the questionnaire and the situation involved more carefully. (4) The follow-up technique is not applied extensively in order to increase the response rate. This may explain the fact that the lower response rate found in the MIS research in Taiwan. |