- 山羊關節炎腦炎對乳羊產乳性能之影響和經濟損失之評估
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- 利用管理模式控制山羊關節炎腦炎(CAE)
- 人工感染山羊關節炎腦炎病毒後之免疫反應、抗體持續現象及病理學變化
- 山羊關節炎腦炎病毒之病毒分離、病毒增殖及抗原性分析
- Serological Survey and Virus Isolation of Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus Infection in Taiwan
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題 名 | 山羊關節炎腦炎對乳羊產乳性能之影響和經濟損失之評估=Effect of Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus Infection on Milk Production and Economic Loss |
作 者 | 宋明華; 李素珍; 簡茂盛; 余建中; 劉正義; 李維誠; | 書刊名 | 臺灣畜牧獸醫學會會報 |
卷 期 | 68:3/4 民87.12 |
頁 次 | 頁125-132 |
分類號 | 437.24 |
關鍵詞 | 山羊關節炎腦炎; 關節腫大; 產乳性能; 經濟損失; Caprine arthritis virus; Swollen joints; Milk performance; Economic loss; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 山羊關節炎腦炎(Caprine arthritis encephalitis;CAE)為一種慢性消耗性疾病 ,廣泛流行於世界各地,可引起極大的經濟損失,台灣地區已成為本病之高流行地區。因 此, 本試驗進行 CAE 對產乳性能之血清學檢測、田間訪視、問卷調查、並進行產乳性能評 估,以瞭解 CAE 對產乳性能之影響及其可能引致之經濟損失。 由臨床檢查關節腫大之病羊 與 CAE 血清抗體呈現陽性問之配對研究,兩者間有顯著的相關性 (P<0.01), 顯示 CAE 感 染為成羊關節腫大之最主要病因。在 84-85 年間針對本省 8 縣市 23 場乳羊戶進行問卷調 查, 顯示成年乳羊在一年內,平均有 12.3% 羊隻形成關節腫大病症,而大部分關節腫大羊 隻在 2 歲起被畜主提早 1-2 年淘汰,此外產乳性能之低落及無乳亦為羊隻淘汰之主要原因 。為配合 CAE 對產乳性能之影響,針對一低 CAE 陽性率之乳羊場進行產乳量及乳組成分析 ,試驗結果顯示 CAE 陽性羊群每日每隻平均減產 0.34 公升 (11.1%) 之乳量,且有較高之 乳體細胞數。 由以上之資料估算 CAE 對乳羊場之影響,對 100 頭產乳羊而言,在 4 年內 累積總損失可高達 41 . 9%。 |
英文摘要 | Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE), a chronic progressive disease, causes a huge economic loss in goat dairy industry. The disease has been widespread in the world and Taiwan has become a high prevalent area. Therefore, we used serological examination in corresponding to field observation, milk production analysis, and questionnaire to evaluate the effect of CAEV infection on economic gain or loss. From clinical and serological examination, there was-a significant relationship between swollen carpal joints and CAE virus infection. The questionnaire from 23 dairy goat farms in 1995 - 1996 showed that about 12.3% of goats developed carpal lesion within one year and most of them were culled 1 to 2-year earlier compared to normal goats. To evaluate the effect of CAE virus infection on milk performance, a continuous 1O-month-record of milk production and analysis of milk composition were undertaken in a dairy goat farm with low CAE prevalence. The result displayed that there was a 0.34 liter decrease per day (11.1%) in milk production and increase in the somatic cells of milk of CAE. virus infected goats. The data obtained from the above experiment showed that the accumulated economic loss of CAE virus infection in 100 dairy goats within four years might reach 41.9%. |